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Last modified
1/25/2017 12:09:51 PM
Creation date
1/25/2017 12:08:39 PM
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Public Works Commission
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307 Environmental Specialist Ryan Johnson noted credits could be applied for if a <br />308 resident certified their rain garden or other BMP and memorialized reductions in <br />309 their runoff percentages accordingly. <br />310 <br />311 Member Lenz asked if this is widely known; and how residents found out about <br />312 this credit program. <br />313 <br />314 Environmental Specialist Johnson noted that the city continued to see new <br />315 applications for BMP's annually, while there weren't a significant number <br />316 happening, reporting he'd only seen one application this year to -date. Mr. Johnson <br />317 advised that typically residents install them resulting in a decrease of 25% to 75% <br />318 depending on their location on the property. Mr. Johnson advised that credits are <br />319 available in any one of the three watershed districts within the City of Roseville; <br />320 with grants available for those BMP's that qualify to help residents achieve their <br />321 long-term payback on the project. <br />322 <br />323 Member Lenz opined that this should be very appealing to those residents seeking <br />324 to care for the environment, especially when you could receive credit for taking the <br />325 initiative to do a BMP. <br />326 <br />327 At the request of Member Wozniak, Environmental Specialist Johnson advised that <br />328 business and industrial categories were also eligible for BMP credits; and reported <br />329 three industrial sites to -date with approved credits, but no businesses up to this <br />330 point. Mr. Johnson noted different credit bases depending on the runoff volume <br />331 captured and type of use. Mr. Johnson noted it was considerably more expensive to <br />332 do BMP's on industrial sites due to their nature of larger sites and higher <br />333 impervious surfaces; but also providing greater benefits and credits for them and <br />334 the broader community's stormwater system and ultimately area water bodies and <br />335 water quality concerns. <br />336 <br />337 Water Usage History and Rate Comparisons (Attachment A, pages 6-11) <br />338 Finance Director Miller concluded with some historic information on usages for <br />339 average single-family homes in Roseville, citywide consumption histories and <br />340 changes in consumer behavior over the years. Mr. Miller noted the current water <br />341 rate structure provided some incentives to encourage water use reductions, while <br />342 higher rates for users found to have excessive usage. Mr. Miller also provided <br />343 comparison rates with Roseville and peer communities. <br />344 <br />345 If individual PWETC members had additional questions or feedback, Finance <br />346 Director Miller encouraged them to email them to Assistant Public Works Director <br />347 Freihammer to forward to the Finance Department for his response. <br />348 <br />349 6. Eureka Recycling 2016 Update <br />350 Given last night's City Council direction to city staff to continue negotiations with <br />351 Eureka based on their concerns with the proposed floor price and revenue sharing <br />352 with the new contract, Environmental Specialist Johnson reported that the <br />Page 8 of 20 <br />
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