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The Real Benefits of Recycling and Who They Are For <br />With the prices paid for the different commodities with the recycling streams continuing to be <br />low in 2015 there has been a great deal of media attention paid to stories that question the validity <br />of recycling. All of the articles and television and radio pieces that criticize recycling base their <br />conclusions on a bottom line approach that says when prices are this low, it is not worth recycling <br />some or all of the material, and that landfilling or incineration are better options. If all you cared <br />about was maximizing financial profit, we could see why this is a conclusion that could be <br />reached. However, the benefits of recycling go far beyond the balance sheet of large multinational <br />waste companies. Furthermore, the true and often hidden costs of wasting are also not captured <br />on these balance sheets. <br />The benefits of recycling are in good, local jobs., ten of which are created in recycling for every <br />one job created at an incinerator. The benefits of recycling are also in local economic <br />development, especially when materials are sold to local markets.. <br />To be sure, there are invisible costs associated with wasting as well such as increased rates of Illness <br />like asthma and cancer caused by air pollution generated by waste incinerators. These costs are not <br />paid by the waste companies, so their profit margins around waste remain strong. These costs are <br />paid by us and by the health departments of local and state governments. <br />Eureka Recycling is a nonprofit organization in Minnesota that believes waste is preventable not <br />inevitable. Together with progressive organizations across the globe, we've demonstrated that <br />zero waste is possible. From profitable businesses such as Toyota, to stadiums, events, and cities - <br />zero waste is a viable and effective strategy towards the goals the majority of the world shares: safe <br />water to drink, clean air to breath, a just and thriving economy, and long, healthy, happy lives <br />reasonably expected for our children and theirs. <br />There are benefits to recycling that far exceed those ofjust money and profit, and these benefits <br />are booming. <br />Global, Regional, and Local Market Conditions Affecting Prices <br />Recycled materials are commodities just like other products such as, corn, cotton, and oil. In our <br />modern, global economy things that happen near and far can impact the prices paid for material <br />on the open market. The following are the major factors influencing the prices paid for recycled <br />materials. Some are very local issues affecting glass prices. Others are more global in nature and <br />involve the economies of other countries like China. <br />Summary of Current Market Conditions <br />In 2015, the overall prices paid by end markets for the material recycled in the city's program <br />continued to remain low and or continue to fall. Overall prices paid by end markets for material <br />experienced a significant decline in the fall of 2014 due a loss of 200% of the value of glass, which <br />made up 21.36% of Roseville's material in 2015. This significant drop was the result of the Twin <br />Cities losing half of it glass recycling capacity from the shutdown of one of the two glass <br />7 <br />