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2/28/2017 3:20:25 PM
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2/28/2017 3:15:34 PM
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Attachment C <br />Community Development Department <br />Memo <br />To: Public Works, Environment, and'Iransportatiion Commission <br />cc: Marc Culver, Public Works Director <br />From: Kari Collins, Community Development Director, and Bryan Lloyd, Senior Planner <br />Date: January 17, 2017 <br />Re: Comprehensive Plan update process and PWET Commission role <br />1 Roseville is beginning the process of updating its comprehensive plan, and your commission, with the <br />2 assistance of Public Works Department staff and specialist consultants, is responsible for updating <br />3 parts of the plan. A comprehensive plan is a tool for guiding the growth, redevelopment, and overall <br />4 improvement of a city. For example, Roseville's current 2030 Comprehensive Plan identifies not only <br />5 a transportation plan, but it also includes a future land -use plan and develops a broader framework to <br />6 help shape the character of the community and enhance the quality of life. This update process won't <br />7 be creating an entirely new comprehensive plan, but rather recalibrating it to ensure that it continues <br />8 to reflect the community's collective vision for its future and align with the Metropolitan Council's <br />9 plan for the region. <br />10 Generally, the comprehensive plan aims to: <br />11 • Create and sustain the elements that define Roseville's character, heritage, and identity. <br />12 Influence the economic health of the community by attracting new investment and guiding it <br />13 to proper locations and by protecting existing investments through the promotion of strong <br />14 residential neighborhoods and business districts. <br />15 Shape the future of municipal government by identifying needed public improvements that <br />16 facilitate and sustain development. <br />17 While you are working to update the transportation plan, the Roseville's Planning Commission will <br />18 be updating the future land use plan. As you well know, a community's transportation network is <br />19 intimately related to the adjacent development patterns; the locations and types of development on a <br />20 transportation network directly affect the amount and type of traffic using the system, and the ability <br />21 of the transportation network to facilitate the circulation of people and goods directly affects the <br />22 adjacent developments. Because of this fundamental link between transportation and land use, it will <br />23 be important that your work is informed by Roseville's overall land use plans, just as it will be <br />24 important that the Planning Commission's work is informed by Roseville's transportation planning. <br />25 In the effort to provide information about the community's land use planning, we have included a <br />26 copy of the Land Use chapter of Roseville's current comprehensive plan. And we encourage you to get <br />27 involved with the larger process of updating the comprehensive plan; please visit our project webpage <br />28 ( to learn about all of the relevant information and events that <br />29 will be a part of the community's effort to update the comprehensive plan. <br />
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