Goal 4: Protect, improve, and expand the community's
<br />natural amenities and environmental quality.
<br />Policy 4.1: Promote the use of energy-saving and
<br />sustainable design practices during all phases of
<br />development including land uses, site design,
<br />technologies, buildings, and construction techniques.
<br />Policy 4.2: Seek to use environmental best practices for
<br />further protection, maintenance, and enhancement of
<br />natural ecological systems including lakes, lakeshore,
<br />wetlands, natural and man-made storm water ponding
<br />areas, aquifers, and drainage areas.
<br />Policy 4.3: Promote preservation, replacement, and
<br />addition of trees within the community.
<br />Policy 4.4: Existing and future development of busi-
<br />ness and industry, shopping, transportation, housing,
<br />entertainment, leisure, and recreation opportunities
<br />shall be in harmony with the commitment Roseville
<br />has made to its environment and quality of life, without
<br />compromising the ability of future generations to meet
<br />their own needs.
<br />Goal 5: Create meaningful opportunities for com-
<br />munity and neighborhood engagement in land -use
<br />decisions.
<br />Policy 5.1: Utilize traditional and innovative ways to
<br />notify the public, the community, and neighborhoods
<br />about upcoming land -use decisions as early as possible
<br />in the review process.
<br />Policy 5.2: Require meetings between the land -use ap-
<br />plicant and affected persons and/or neighborhoods for
<br />changes in land -use designations and projects that have
<br />significant impacts, prior to submittal of the request to
<br />the City.
<br />Policy 5.3: Provide for and promote opportunities for
<br />informed citizen participation at all levels in the plan-
<br />ning and review processes at both the neighborhood
<br />and community level.
<br />Policy 5.4: Ensure adequate and diverse representation
<br />of the appropriate stakeholders in land -use studies and
<br />advisory bodies.
<br />Residential Area Goals and Policies
<br />Goal 6: Preserve and enhance the residential character
<br />and livability of existing neighborhoods and ensure
<br />that adjacent uses are compatible with existing
<br />neighborhoods.
<br />Policy 6.1: Promote maintenance and reinvestment in
<br />existing residential buildings and properties, residential
<br />amenities, and infrastructure to enhance the long-term
<br />desirability of existing neighborhoods and to maintain
<br />and improve property values.
<br />Policy 6.2: Where higher intensity uses are adjacent to
<br />existing residential neighborhoods, create effective land
<br />use buffers and physical screening.
<br />Goal 7: Achieve abroad and flexible range ofhousing
<br />choices within the community to provide sufficient
<br />alternatives to meet the changing housing needs of
<br />current and future residents throughout all stages
<br />of life.
<br />Policy 7.1: Promote flexible development standards
<br />for new residential developments to allow innovative
<br />development patterns and more efficient densities that
<br />protect and enhance the character, stability, and vitality
<br />of residential neighborhoods.
<br />Policy 7.2: Encourage high-quality, mixed residential
<br />developments that achieve the community's goals,
<br />policies, and performance standards, encourage parks
<br />and open space, and use high-quality site design features
<br />and building materials.
<br />Policy 7.3: Consider increased densities in new
<br />residential developments to reduce housing costs,
<br />improve affordability, and attract transit -oriented
<br />development.
<br />Policy 7.4: Promote increased housing options within
<br />the community that enable more people to live closer to
<br />community services and amenities such as commercial
<br />areas, parks, and trails.
<br />Policy 7.5: Consider the conversion of underutilized
<br />commercial development into housing or mixed-use
<br />development.
<br />Goal 8: Promote a sense of community by
<br />encouraging neighborhood identity efforts within
<br />the community.
<br />Policy 8.1: Seek opportunities to plan, design, and
<br />develop inter- and intra -generational, multipurpose
<br />neighborhood gathering places.
<br />Policy 8.2: Where feasible, provide or improve
<br />connections between residential areas and neighborhood
<br />amenities such as parks, trails, and neighborhood
<br />business areas.
<br />4-3 1 Land Use Adopted: October 26, 2009 City of Roseville
<br />Amended: May 10, 2010
<br />