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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/1/2017 9:22:14 AM
Creation date
3/1/2017 9:21:49 AM
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Public Works Commission
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side of Snelling Avenue); with input from State Fair representatives in agreement <br />that there was no room for a sidewalk at that point. <br />However, Mr. Casey noted that a new sidewalk had been installed from Hoyt to <br />Larpenteur Avenues, with limited boulevard right-of-way available making it tight <br />at the east Snelling Drive frontage road, especially given grade differentials at that <br />point, and the need to install the curb tight against the curb without additional snow <br />storage or pedestrian distance from the roadway. <br />Mr. Casey advised that MnDOT had originally worked with the City of Falcon <br />Heights, given that there was originally a higher trail by the pond up close to the <br />road, but noted it had proven hard to get a connection to the local sidewalk system, <br />even though Falcon Heights had requested that MnDOT tie those two segments <br />together. While MnDOT did achieve an interconnection, Mr. Casey advised that <br />once it got to the Falcon Height crossing facility, the existing sidewalk was found <br />to be located on private property; and while consideration was given to other <br />options, there were too many obstacles in the right-of-way process at complete at <br />the time of installation, with Falcon Heights unsure it could work out a deal with <br />property owners in time, causing the new sidewalk to currently run parallel to that <br />sidewalk on private property up to Larpenteur Avenue. While it will look funny, <br />Mr. Casey advised that it would provide the pedestrian access and safety necessary <br />for the time being. <br />At the request of Mr. Culver, Mr. Casey advised that several smaller trees in that <br />area will be relocated by the City of Falcon Heights, but confirmed that some larger <br />ones will be removed while some will remain. <br />At the request of Member Seigler, Mr. Casey confirmed that beyond Americans <br />with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements, and reconfiguring the island on the east <br />side of Snelling Avenue to bring it up to current ADA requirements for landing <br />areas and slopes, nothing else was intended for the Skillman area and cross street <br />to Cub Foods on Larpenteur Avenue. Mr. Casey noted there would be minor <br />sidewalk repairs of cracks and for ADA compliance throughout the corridor <br />associated with the project. <br />At the request of Member Wozniak, Mr. Casey advised that no traffic detours were <br />planned, with only lane closures that would be shifted accordingly. <br />Mr. Culver and Mr. Casey advised that there would be concrete rehabilitation work <br />up to the bridge deck and for the long ramps, but not the loops. <br />At the request of Chair Cihacek, Mr. Freihammer advised that there would be no <br />utility work touching upon this project, other than east of I -35W and south of <br />Snelling Avenue (Snelling Service Drive) where the city would be doing mill and <br />overlay work between County Road B and south of County Road B north of <br />Roselawn Avenue, as noted in the 2017 Pavement Management Plan (PMP) project <br />Page 5 of 17 <br />
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