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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 23,2017 <br /> Page 17 <br /> Intercept runs (10-12 locations each) <br /> While this concept was more detailed in the spreadsheet, Ms. Major noted the in- <br /> tent to plug the website and have pull-off flyers for additional information and/or <br /> resources available on line. <br /> i <br /> Mayor Roe opined that this may be the place to obtain information beyond neigh- <br /> borhood walkabouts or door-to-door canvassing in multi-family buildings. <br /> In many of these ideas, Councilmember McGehee expressed her concern that <br /> there was no particular filter, noting her interest in input from those coming to <br /> work in Roseville by car, bus or carpool or input from businesses located in Ro- <br /> seville, Councilmember McGehee stated that frankly she didn't care that much <br /> about input from someone simply coming to shop in Roseville. Therefore, Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee stated her concern that this information may prove heavily <br /> weighted from non-residents or non-workers in the Roseville population, and <br /> questioned how the team intended to parse that information out. At the end of the <br /> day, Councilmember McGehee opined that this was a Roseville resident plan. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if people were queried as to whether or not they were a Rose- <br /> ville resident. <br /> Ms. Major advised that this question would be asked on the board; but cautioned <br /> that if no one was staffing the intercept board, it would be hard to correlate their <br /> answer to that with other questions. Ms. Major responded that, based on past ex- <br /> perience, they generally found that by nature non-residents didn't respond much; <br /> and that this was one of the only ways to reach out to visitors to Roseville. To <br /> some degree, Ms. Major advised that the city was interested in visitor input and <br /> perceptions of the community. Specific to weighting information, Ms. Major <br /> clarified that the information gathered wasn't counted as votes, but from their per- <br /> spective, simply a gathering of ideas to correlate without any ranking. Ms. Major <br /> noted that this was a balancing act, and required some professional judgment in- <br /> terpreting the data, an area of expertise with their consulting team. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Ms. Major reviewed the concept of inter- <br /> cept boards as a simplistic way of raising awareness in the community and peek- <br /> ing into what people think about it, through an informal "dot" voting opportunity. <br /> Given the information gathering at malls, Councilmember Etten expressed interest <br /> in how many people brought up traffic issues around Roseville, even if only <br /> shopping here and not a resident. While the roads may or may not be owned by <br /> Roseville but other jurisdictions, Councilmember Etten noted the need for the city <br /> to be aware of those infrastructure issues. <br /> Councilmembers suggested that consideration be given to intercept boards as oth- <br /> er locations, including but no limited to the Keystone Food Shelf, Bridging, and <br /> NYFS in Shoreview. <br />
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