City of Roseville 2017 Fee Schedule
<br />Building Permit and Plan Review Fees (continzced)
<br />Fee Description
<br />Building Permit - Community Development:
<br />; $1=$500 valuation (total valuation�
<br />j$501 - $2,000 valuation
<br />$2,001 - $25,000_valuation
<br />-_. _ __
<br />$25,001 $50,000 valuation
<br />- -----_� . - ---- ---_ _ _
<br />$50,001_$100,000 valuation
<br />$101,001 - $500,000 valuation
<br />$500,001 - $1
<br />_._._ . ....__...� _. __ _.
<br />1,000,000 + valuation
<br />City 2016 2b l7
<br />Code Amount Amount Comments '
<br />_ ._ ___ _. ___ __ .___ _ ._
<br />$ - - 31.00 _; � -___.31 00. ' .__ ..� .� _ -_ _ . . _ ,.
<br />- >_---- .-_ :
<br />__ --
<br />; � 31.00 ; 31.00 �For the first $500 value; _ `
<br />_ __ _ - _ ---- _ ____
<br />; , �lus $4.00 for each add'1$100 ;
<br />� value or fraction thereof
<br />_____ _.. __ ._ - ----- ---._ . _. _... _ . ,
<br />i ,_ 83.50 � 83 50 For the first $2 000 value '
<br />___ _ _ _. _.. _ __----- ; _-- _.-------- __.__._ _ . __. �__ ___._.� _.._.
<br />_. _._ ___ ,
<br />! , ` ;plus $16.55 for each add'1$1,000!.
<br />__ __ _____ _ _ _ . _.._._. _ ---_____
<br />value or fraction thereof i
<br />--- ___.._ __...- -_____ -----__ __.__- --_--_ ___ __----_ _.._.---.
<br />; 464.15 � 464 15 � For the first $25 000 value; ;
<br />---_____ ------- __--- ... _..__. ___--'.
<br />_ .�_ - - - ----
<br />; plus $12.00 for each add'1$1,000 �
<br />_.... __.._. _____ ____- , _.
<br />__ ---
<br />---- ----_ ----- �--- - ---{ ______
<br />� value or fraction thereof
<br />_ _ __ _------
<br />--- -_ __ -,
<br />� ;____ 764.15_ L___764 15 ; For the first $50,000 value ;;
<br />--- _ _. -. _ -- -, ____ z_ --- -
<br />� � ;plus $8.45 for each add'1$1 000 �
<br />_ _ _ __ _ t. _ _ _.. _.. , _ ,... __ - - --- -- _'
<br />` � 'value or fraction thereof
<br />____ .. _._ _
<br />_. _.._- -- --__ _ __,
<br />_.__
<br />; 1,186 65 � 1,186 65 ;For the first $100,000 value, '
<br />__ _ __ ._ ___ . �_. ._ , _. __ .- --� _ _ -- -- ---_.
<br />_
<br />i i ;plus $6.75 for each add'1_$1,000 �
<br />__- _---_ _------- --
<br />----- - ----� -- - __ _ _ ____.__� _ ---;.
<br />'value or fraction thereof
<br />_ . � _ -..�. ,.� T�„ .� ._ ., ,`F. _.__e�_ . .� W_..�._ __._ . .___ __. __.._. _. ....�____ __..__.r,
<br />valuation 3,886.65 I 3,886 65 :For the first $500,000 value;
<br />,_._ __ _� _ _ _.
<br />- - - -- ____ � _ ---
<br />' � '�lus $5.50 for each add'1$1,000
<br />�.. _ __ .__ -- --_ _.
<br />- -- . _. _ _ . _ - �.. .__ , _ _-- -._ ._ _. .
<br />; value or fraction thereof
<br />- _. _.., . ___ � _. _ . ._ _ _ .... _ ---- ._. ._--- - --- - __ �_..m���_ - - _ __ , ._ __._ _ __._ .. _ .
<br />` 6 636.65 _� _6,636 65 ! For the first $1,000,000 value� __
<br />__.._ __ _ - - . ..._..'.-- ---- -`--'- - -_ ___-__._.
<br />' � ` __Iplus $4.50 for each add'1$1,000 _
<br />----_ _______ ____- -----.. _---- ------ ---__. _____
<br />! value or fraction thereof
<br />� . _ __ r r ,... __ _- _ �,.__
<br />Inspections outside of normal business hours ' 68 50 I 69 50 � Hourly rate ____ i
<br />_w.. . . . � _ - ___ _ _...... _. .
<br />�.. - - -- _.. ,
<br />Re-ins�ection fees (hourly) _ 68 50 � 69 50 ', Per State Bu�lding Code `
<br />M�sc rospection/mvestigation fees �hourly� i_ 68.50 � 69 50 '
<br />.__�._�___. a _-- � _a�,_._v__ ��_�» �� _ _.. _ .. _ _ _., __ . __ ._._ _. , __._�__. . ._.___ .. _.. ___ .
<br />� Add'1 plan review fee rec�uired by revisions ; � 68.50 j__ 69 50 ; Hourly rate _ '
<br />__ .._
<br />- - --- - -_ _..._..
<br />_--
<br />Bu�lding P ermit Eng�neering: __ � < < I
<br />_ _. _
<br />_ _...._ � - -- - - - _. -- -- -
<br />-- ___ _.
<br />$1 $500_valuation __ ; ' $ 5.00 $ 5 00 i, �
<br />�_ _.__ �
<br />__ - -- -- - -- --, _ _ - . -- __ _ . -- --- _ --:
<br />�$501 - $2,000 valuation ' S.00 i 15.00 ; �
<br />�.___._.� ..._ .._ _ -_--.___ .. _._ _ __ __ _..__ __ - - - ..._.,_ __._.._ �..._�� _ ... .. _ ..�. _ . ._.. . ____ _ ._...____ _._ _.__�
<br />__; $2,001 _ $25,000 valuation _ _ ;_ 25.00 25.00 ', '
<br />_ __ .. __ ---- -- ------_ . __.____ . _ _ __ __ _ _ _.. _ ----_.__ _. _ . _. :
<br />i $25,001 - $50,000 valuation 50.00 50.00 `
<br />_ - ------ ---- ------ _ - -- ---- - --- __ _ ----- _ ___ - ; ---- _ _ __ _ _ - ----- - __ _. :
<br />$50,001 - $100,000 valuation 75.00 ', 75.00 ;
<br />. ____. _._____._ . _ __.__ _...__... _ .. _ .m _..__ _ _. _._ . _._..__. __ _ . ___ _ _ _ . . _.__... . . _ . ___ . __...._..._.. _....
<br />$100,001 - $500,000 valuation 100.00 ; 100.00
<br />____. ____... ____... _-----__ _.__ _. ____ _ :. __. _ _._ _ __.._-- __--- --.--- --_ __ _ _____.----- _ ,
<br />$500,001 - $1,000,000 valuation 200.00 � 200.00 !
<br />-- ---__ _------ -. ___.
<br />_ _ _ __. __ _- ___ _
<br />$1,000,000 + _ 300 00 300 00 �
<br />_ . _. , . . . __._ . __ _ _.. _ _.. ---- .
<br />Demolition Permrt Fee Community Development
<br />___ _ __ __ . _ _ _ -- -. _ _ _ _. _ _ ___ _
<br />Tenant nn�rovement/remodeling ' $ 75 00 �$ 75.00 : Prior to building permrt _
<br />_... _. _ _ _. _. _ __ - -- . _ . _,
<br />; Structures not connected to utilities 96.00 ( 96.00 i '
<br />_._ _.. --- --_ _ _. , __.. .._ .__ _..__ -_ - __ _ _ _ _..
<br />Structures connected to city utilities residential ' 163.00 163.00 :
<br />--- ___ ___ _ _.. _ ___ __. __ _ _ _
<br />Strucutres connected to city utilities: commercial 425.00 425.00 :
<br />0
<br />