City of Roseville 2017 Fee Schedule
<br />Building Permit and Plan Review Fees (continued)
<br />Gradin� Plan Review & Pennit Fees:
<br />_ . _ _ . .
<br />City 2016 2017
<br />Fee Description Code Amount Amount Comments
<br />Grading Plan Rev�ew Fee Community Development. _ E ' i
<br />-- -.._.._ ___ _-- � . ._ -- -- - ---_ -- --- _
<br />_ _.
<br />� 50 cubic yards ar less _; �$ 80.00 $ 80.00 '� i
<br />,..__- -_ ___.. _ , . .,
<br />__ ___ _._._ _ _ __- --- -__ _;
<br />�' S1 - 10,000 cubic yards _ � 160.00 160 00 ;For the first 1,000 cubic yards; _i
<br />_ __
<br />_ __ _ _. . __--- __ __ - -__. _ ..�_
<br />�plus $10.00 for each add'11,000_!
<br />__._ __. _� ___ _ - -- --_ _._� . _- -- ---- -
<br />';; cubic yards or fraction thereof ;
<br />_ __ _ _ -__ _-- -- __. _. _. ___ _ _
<br />10 001 - 100,000 cubic yards i 318.00 318.00 ;For the first 10 000 cubic yards; ;
<br />__z _ _ _ _. . _:_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _. __ _�_ _
<br />__
<br />, � � `�lus $5 00 for each add'1 10 000 `
<br />, _ __ .._ . __ __ _----._ _.... _� _ __ _ , _ - - ---- -,- -'..— !
<br />i
<br />____ _ __ ___ . _ _. _._ --. __. ___ . _._ _.
<br />100 000 + cubic ards i , 848 00 ,
<br />---' ---. Y_ ___ _-, ,
<br />- ___. _._ _. _... ,- -- -. _... _.
<br />�! s. _.�_ -- -- -- _ _ _. ____. ,..�. _. _ -.-
<br />� Grading Plan Review Fee - Engineet•ing:
<br />_ . _._. _ _ _. __
<br />_ __ __ _
<br />_ __ _..
<br />' S0 cubic_yards or_less � '$_ 25 00
<br />' -- _ _._.__� __ _--- -._.. _ _ ---
<br />51 10,000 cubic yards _ � 25 00
<br />_._ _._ _ . .. __- --
<br />3' 10,001 _100,000 cubic�ards ? 50 00
<br />_ _ ____. ,. _ _. __,
<br />_ �_100,000 +_cubic yards_ _ _ _ ; 75.00 �
<br />-- -� __ _ _.
<br />Gradin� Permit Fee - Community Development;_ ; �
<br />__- --- -- ,___ _. . --
<br />50 cubic yards or less , i$
<br />-- - - _ _ --
<br />_. _
<br />51_ 1,000 cubic yards _ _ ` �
<br />__ . � � _.. .._ _ _ -; ---- - _-
<br />� � �
<br />+ -- _._ _ _ __...
<br />--. ___ ---, __
<br />_._ _ _ _..__ . . __ -- . _ _.__ _ .. . . _ _ _... _ {
<br />1�001 _10,000 cubic yards __ _ ____ !
<br />i
<br />- _. __
<br />10,001 100,000 cubic yards _ _
<br />f 100,000 + cubic yards
<br />Grading Permit Fee - Engineering:
<br />-__ __. _.
<br />50 cubic yards or_less
<br />_ ._.. __ _
<br />: 51 1 000 cubic yards _
<br />-- -'-- -- ---
<br />1,001 - 10,000 cubic yards _
<br />_ ___
<br />10,001 - 100,000 cubic yards
<br />100 000 + cubic yards _
<br />_.._--' _ __ ___
<br />_ i cubic yards or fraction_thereof
<br />848.00 !For the first 100 000 cubic yar
<br />-- -. ___ _ �
<br />;,�lus $10_00 for each add'110,C
<br />__ . --- -._ �_
<br />i cubic vards or fraction thereof
<br />$ .. .._25 _QO_
<br />25.00
<br />_50.00_
<br />75.00
<br />80.00 $_ _80 00 ; ?
<br />_. _ ___ _
<br />--
<br />106.00 106 00 Far the first 100 cubic yards, __ .
<br />� __. _... _. _ . �. __._. ._._ .. ,
<br />��lus $20.00 for each add'1140
<br />_ . _. --- --
<br />` cubic yards or fraction thereof i
<br />_ ___ _._ __ _ _ _ �
<br />318.00 318 00 'iFor the %rst 1,000 cubic.yards; _�
<br />_--, __ .__
<br />___. ' . _ _T m_ �1?lus $32.00 for each add'1 1,000 ;
<br />_ , �__._ -- -_.--- -- --�
<br />1 cubic yards or fraction thereof ;
<br />� - _ __..
<br />636 00 636 00 iFor the first 1Oz000 cubic_yards__1
<br />___....._�_ ----
<br />f ;plus $104.00 for each add'1 ;
<br />-- - ��_.m_ _ __ e...
<br />' _ 110,000 cu yards or fraction ����
<br />;.._ _.._ ___ .
<br />-- --- -
<br />' '; thereof
<br />1,590.00 ; 1,590 00 ;For the %rst 100,000 cubic�ards; i
<br />.. -- -_ __ _-- ;-- _.T _ .- --- _ _ .
<br />; ;plus $84;00 far each add'1
<br />_ _. __ _ -_ _.
<br />i ;10 000 cu yards_ or fraction
<br />-- --- - --. . , .. ._ _ _.. -- -,: '----__ . _ _---_____
<br />! thereof
<br />__..,. . _ . _. _ _ -__ _
<br />�____ ___., _... _. ..__ __. _. _
<br />i
<br />_ __ _____----
<br />- -_ ___.
<br />� . _ . _. $ __. 25.00 $----25.00 ;
<br />_. _ __ __,.
<br />' � 25.00 � 25 00 ;
<br />-. . _-- - - --- - ------ - -, _ _ _ - _...
<br />� 50.00 50.00 '
<br />__ _ _ ___ .._.__ ._ _ __. _ ._
<br />', 75.00 75 00
<br />_ --- _ ..._ _. _ _ _ _..._ _._ ...----_____
<br />'� � 100.00 100.00 ;
<br />11
<br />