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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/29/2017 9:07:15 AM
Creation date
3/29/2017 9:06:40 AM
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Public Works Commission
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At the request of Member Trainer, Mr. Johnson clarified that the figures included <br />in the plan had been recently updated and formats changed for easier readability. <br />Mr. Freihammer opined that the last four pages of the plan were the most important <br />of the plan providing focus areas that would be improved upon by the city over the <br />next decade. <br />Chair Cihacek asked staff to explain Figure 14, special flood hazard area. <br />Ms. Nestingten responded that this was an official Federal Emergency Management <br />Agency (FEMA) flood hazard insurance rate may, with Roseville having four such <br />areas; with Zone AE providing a more detailed study of the area and assigned a <br />base flood elevation as noted; and Zone A is an approximately flood area without <br />a base flood area. Ms. Nestingten advised that the remainder of Roseville is outside <br />the 500 year annual chance flood area and therefore not specifically mapped by <br />FEMA since it was considered to have no regional flood concern and only involving <br />more localized flood issues as designated in Figure 19. <br />Chair Cihacek asked that for future reference by the PWETC, overlay information <br />(e.g. Figures 9 and 19) be provided to address land use and surface water issues and <br />for future presentations (e.g. parking lot issues) that provided the whole picture as <br />part of the PWETC's basic data to reference and incorporate accordingly. <br />Mr. Johnson noted that all the information and figures were GIS -based and used by <br />SEH to provide this information, and with those figures and maps available <br />electronically, staff could layer them as desired by the PWETC (e.g. land use, <br />contours, storm sewer locations, geology, etc.) and all layered depending on the <br />particular discussion being held. <br />Motion <br />Member Trainor moved, Member Heimerl seconded, recommending to the <br />City Council approval of the draft Comprehensive Surface Water <br />Management Plan (CSWMP) as presented for update and agency review <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />6. Stormwater Management Standards for Parking Lots <br />City Engineer Freihammer noted that detailed information had been previously <br />forwarded to the PWETC prior to tonight's presentation by Environmental <br />Specialist Johnson. <br />Mr. Johnson advised that tonight's presentation, last discussed at the December <br />2016 PWETC meeting as detailed in the staff report and Attachment A, had been <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />
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