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2e Firm introduction and Unique G2ualifications <br />Hagen Chris#ensen & MclLwain Architects (HCM) is a 15-person architectural firm fpunded as an S-Corporation in <br />Minnesota in 1998. Our firm is based on a foundation of common values, friendship, and a singular vision on how we want ta <br />practice architecture. A practice based an a simpie business philasophy: <br />Provide crea#ive ideas, exemplary senrices, treat people well and good things will happen. <br />The keys to aur service that distinguish our flrm from athers are as follaws: <br />• Direct and continuous involvement of HCM's partners and seniar staff in all aspects af a praject. This optimizes the <br />coliective knowledge base, technical expertise, creative design abilities, and praject management skilis 4f our firm's <br />partners, and the commitment we pravide ka the Uwner to lead yaur praject from start to finish. 7his approach has <br />provided us with a unique and highly regarded reputation within the cammunity af building owners, consultants and <br />contractors. <br />• A Principal of HCM Architects will always be your day ta day Design Team contact and "parkner" throughout the <br />project. They wiii be fully hands-on and will coardinate, lead and manage the design process from start to finish, 7his <br />will ensure strang leadership and responsiveness throughout ail phases of the prc�ject and has been a highly <br />successfui approach in owr work. <br />« C7ur Firm has extensive design experience with park and recreation facilities, including Golf Caurse Clubhouses. <br />Recen#ly, HCM Mas completed studies of similar scope; this includes khe seven Community Buiidings for the City of <br />Rc�seville, a Nardi� Ski Center far I�ake Elmo Park, and muitiple studies for St. Paul related tc, recreatian Communiiy <br />Center planning & programming effarts. <br />� Our Firm has diverse design experience with a facus on people p�aces; we alsa wark on institutional and municipal <br />projects where needs studies, program development and concept design are a key first step. HCM Architects has <br />provided needs analysis and master planning studies for a wide breadth of project types which helps us discover <br />solutions that may not be found if we specialized in only one building type. This means yaur project wiii be unique <br />and a represen#ation of what you are; we are designing your building... ncrt ours. <br />� As proven during the multiple phases af the Gity of f2oseviile Parks and Recreatian Renewal Pragram, HCM <br />Architects works well with the City af F2aseville Parks and Ftecreation Owner T�am and understands the Gity'� <br />pracess far deliverables, fram Programming and Concept design thraugh Construction Administration. <br />• HCM has previously taured the site with former City of Roseville Parks Superintendent, Jeff Evenson, ta discuss <br />appartunities related ta existing conditions. Our firm has a familiarity with #he project site and scape; the con#ent of <br />the Advisary Team Final Report can be used efFectively with our prior knowledge. <br />• We take pride in the way pur office daeuments information; from Project Pragramming ta Meeting Minutes to Final <br />Dacumentatipn. The Deliverables must aii be clear and complete as this study will heip set the direction far the future <br />of your new Glubhouse facilities. <br />Tagether we believe that the most suceessful projecis da nat Just happen but evalve as a team effort based on open <br />and clear lines of cammunication, technieal experkise, an attitude of cooperatian and a full commitment to fulfill the <br />needs of the client. <br />�;�C!Ohl(�llir.�; iaC,�/����1'Gll���r')Y't:i <br />F�'C�r'id�� ��f (�:xiYl� � rr;o,:��d, l�A��F�I���irra���cl 1"�l��l <br />