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City Council Meeting Minutes
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5/10/2017 11:47:23 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 24, 2017 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Ms. Hansel submitted written comments via email dated April 21, 2017, attached <br /> hereto and made apart hereof. <br /> Ms. Hansel expounded on her written comments, and spoke in support of the <br /> comments made by HRC Chair Groff. Ms. Hansel expressed appreciation for and <br /> the need to continue recognizing visible and non-visible disabilities as a human <br /> rights awareness issue. In the new language, Ms. Hansel noted the omission of <br /> youth commissioners, expressing her hope that this was an inadvertent omission <br /> and that youth could continue to serve. <br /> Mankpondehou Djevi, 851 Sextant Ave., HRC Commissioner <br /> Mr. Djevi stated that he had joined the HRC in the interest of human rights, not <br /> for equity/engagement. Mr. Djevi reviewed the inherent human rights of all, the <br /> definition of human rights, and examples of how to measure that impartiality. Mr. <br /> Djevi asked the City Council to consider the message they were sending to the di- <br /> verse community by removing"human rights" from the title. <br /> Cora Lieben, 2924 Asbury Street <br /> Ms. Lieben echoed the comments of those speaking before her; and added her <br /> voice of support for the HRC and related terminology, stating the words "human <br /> rights" are known and understood universally. <br /> Chelsea Holub, 2946 High Court, CEC Commissioner <br /> As a member of the Task Force, Ms. Holub echoed the comments of Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte as to the general feelings of the subcommittee, with the con- <br /> versations having been positive and that all were on the same page. However, <br /> Ms. Holub stated how disheartening it was to her to hear tonight of the dissention, <br /> suggesting more time was needed before making a decision. Ms. Holub opined <br /> that all commissioners on both the HRC and CEC shared the same goals and ideas <br /> about their community, but obviously more work needed to be done in terms of <br /> what the new commission should look like. Respectfully, Ms. Holub asked for <br /> more time to do so. <br /> Warren Wolf, 1999 Snelling Avenue N <br /> As a 24-year resident of Roseville, when first seeing the proposed name change <br /> and deletion of"human rights," Mr. Wolf expressed his concern, including the re- <br /> duction of a total of fourteen commissioners in the past for the HRC and CEC, <br /> and now only a potential of nine commissioners. Mr. Wolf noted that both com- <br /> missions in the past already had more work than they could do with the larger <br /> membership. Mr. Wolf stated that his main concern was that by combining the <br /> two commissions would dilute the impact of both. Mr. Wolf noted that communi- <br /> ty engagement and human rights had both been undertaken with varying degrees <br /> of success in the past; and suggested that this collaborative effort would not be as <br /> successful with a combined commission versus retaining two separate commis- <br /> sions as in the past. <br />
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