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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 24, 2017 <br /> Page 24 <br /> course itself, and larger area for reception and patio space, all indicated as highly <br /> desirable by the community and advisory committee. Mr. McIlwain reviewed <br /> other components of the proposed architecture and site topography, secure golf <br /> cart storage after hours and along the path. <br /> As to the building plan itself, Mr. McIlwain presented several options showing <br /> more detail as to how the space was proposed to work as a community building <br /> for those members of the community desiring to use it outside golfing events; and <br /> programming for a building of 3,000 to 5,000 square feet total. <br /> Van Moore, HCM Architects <br /> Mr. Moore provided two potential elevations for initial review tonight and com- <br /> ponents of each and variables to consider with each iteration, and with the com- <br /> munity's desire that this building even if serving as a community building can still <br /> be distinct from other buildings recently installed in the park system. <br /> Mr. Moore viewed the two options: one asymmetrical and one with a hipped roof. <br /> Mr. Moore advised that the details would be further refined as the process pro- <br /> ceeds. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Brokke reviewed the check-in process and City <br /> Council direction at the end of Task 1 with more refined numbers. For the pur- <br /> poses of tonight's update, Mr. Brokke clarified that the consulting architects were <br /> looking for City Council preference as to an option and image choice as present- <br /> ed. <br /> As brought up several times in the past, Councilmember McGehee reiterated for <br /> the benefit of the architects her concern with long-term maintenance, energy effi- <br /> ciencies, and as a member of the Audubon Society the need for windows address- <br /> ing bird strikes as Roseville's green space,just to the north east of the golf course <br /> is part of a flyover area, as well as solar orientation of the building if possible. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she hadn't investigated how and if their plan <br /> lay over existing vegetation, but asked that as the orientation of the building and <br /> parking lot was finalized, existing green space and vegetation be conserved to the <br /> greatest degree possible. Further, Councilmember McGehee asked for careful <br /> consideration for window placement and potential solar use on the initial roof de- <br /> sign. Also, with the apparent proposal for vaulted ceilings, Councilmember <br /> McGehee asked that the aesthetics be balanced with additional consideration of <br /> higher energy and higher maintenance costs for vaulted space. As a representa- <br /> tive of city taxpayers, Councilmember McGehee stated her concern that long-term <br /> costs be considered. Councilmember McGehee also asked that the building's in- <br /> ternal and external flow address criteria needs of the advisory group. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that he had no issues with the parking lot's lay- <br /> out; and expressed appreciation for the flow and angle parking, as well as in- <br />