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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 24, 2017 <br /> Page 32 <br /> i. Appoint Annual Variance Board Members <br /> Councilmember Laliberte expressed her appreciation to those commissioners will- <br /> ing up to leadership on the Variance Board, noting the heavy workload this year <br /> on the Planning Commission with the comprehensive plan update. <br /> Etten moved, Willmus seconded, ratification of the selection of Planning Com- <br /> missioners Jim Daire, Chuck Gitzen, Julie Kimble, and Alternate Pete Sparby to <br /> serve as Variance Board members from May 3, 2017 to April 4, 2018. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, McGehee, Willmus, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 10. Council& City Manager Communications, Reports, and Announcements <br /> Mayor Roe reported a liaison update related to the Rice Street/Larpenteur Avenue group <br /> attended by him, Councilmember Etten and city staff last week. At that time, Mayor Roe <br /> reported that four at-large community members had been appointed as well as one Plan- <br /> ning Commissioner to represent the City of Roseville on the Community Advisory <br /> Group. While it was hard to choose among interested applicants to serve in this capacity, <br /> Mayor Roe opined that those chosen seemed to complement those representatives ap- <br /> pointed to serve from other municipalities, with eight representing the City of St. Paul, <br /> five from each suburban community and from each entity's Planning Commissions. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that he looked forward to each representative providing a great contri- <br /> bution to this effort. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte reported on the most recent Community Health Advisory Team <br /> (CHAT) seminar and panel discussion held last week focusing on advanced health care <br /> directives; and applauded this group on their continued work. <br /> 11. Councilmember Initiated Future Agenda Items and Future Agenda Review <br /> City Manager Trudgeon briefly reviewed upcoming meeting agendas. <br /> 12. Adjourn <br /> Willmus moved, Etten seconded, adjournment of the meeting at approximately 9:41 p.m. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, McGehee, Willmus, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br />