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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 24, 2017 <br /> Page 4 <br /> and several board members were in the audience if needed for further infor- <br /> mation. <br /> Discussion included clarifying the amount of increase based on years of service; <br /> adjustments based on liability funding; vesting after twenty years of service with <br /> collections not available until the age of fifty and upon retirement; with provisions <br /> based on state law as well as the by-laws of the Relief Association. <br /> David Breen, Relief Board President <br /> Mr. Breen reported that the Association had twenty-five active members at differ- <br /> ing levels of being vested, with some still under the ten-year mark, but most over <br /> that mark. Mr. Breen reported that there were fifty-one retirees and eight benefi- <br /> ciaries still under the Association, and as detailed in the actuarial provided. As <br /> noted on the actuarial, Mr. Breen noted that it considered all member as having <br /> twenty years or more of service; and also noted that for those lost or injured in the <br /> line of duty, they became automatically vested for the protection of their fami- <br /> lies/beneficiaries. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment at this time, with no one <br /> appearing for or against. <br /> McGehee moved, Laliberte seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11410 (At- <br /> tachment D) entitled, "Resolution Approving Benefit Increase for Members of the <br /> Roseville Firefighter Relief Association (RFRA);" approving—retroactive to Jan- <br /> uary 1, 2017 — a benefit increase of$2.24/month per year of service for pension- <br /> ers selecting the monthly benefit option and an increase of $224.00/year of ser- <br /> vice for those pensioners selecting the lump sum payment benefit. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, McGehee, Willmus, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> b. Consider Approval of Newly-Created Position and Additional FTE's for IT <br /> City Manager Trudgeon briefly reviewed this request as detailed in the RCA and <br /> attachments. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Finance Director Chris Miller re- <br /> viewed the current status and timing of tower leases. Mr. Miller reported that <br /> their were five towers in the community, with a total of sixteen different long- <br /> term leases, with the next one due for renewal still five years away. Mr. Miller <br /> reported that most of the lease agreements were for a duration of twenty years or <br /> more. <br />