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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/25/2017 2:27:02 PM
Creation date
5/25/2017 2:26:48 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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At this time, Mr. Springman advised that the county's recycling contractor provided <br />BPI certified compostable bags in two different sizes for residents' use. Mr. <br />Springman reviewed other acceptable compost bags, with all collected and <br />managed separately from leaves and grass at compost sites by placing them in <br />designated containers at each site and then hauled to a commercial SSO composting <br />collection site. <br />At the request of Member Seigler, Mr. Springman estimated the annual budget for <br />this Ramsey County service to residents was approximately $42,000, less than the <br />original budget estimate of $50,000. With yard waste efficiencies, and hauling bid <br />costs currently also down, Mr. Springman advised that those cost savings could <br />carry over into organics allowing room for expansion. Mr. Springman reported that <br />he largest cost of the program were obviously in providing bags and hauling. Upon <br />recent switching of vendors, Mr. Springman reported that the county had seen an <br />approximate $30,000 reduction for yard waste costs, now handled by their vendor, <br />Waste Management, at all fifty-four Ramsey County sites; with the firm interested <br />in remaining the county's contractor, thus offering a very low rate. Mr. Springman <br />reported that Waste Management had added organics collection in April of 2017 <br />with the material hauled to the Specialized Environmental Technologies (SET) <br />composting facility in Rosemount. Mr. Springman advised that the Waste <br />Management contract expired at the end of 2018, with an option to renew to year- <br />end 2020. <br />At the request of Chair Cihacek, Mr. Springman confirmed that the county buys <br />organic compost bags off the State of Minnesota contract and had done so since <br />2014. <br />After the initial roll-out in 2014, Mr. Springman reported on additional options for <br />the program, including seeking the County Commissioners' approval to add an <br />additional six locations. Mr. Springman reported that elements of consideration for <br />each location included collaboration with partner organizations (e.g. municipalities <br />in Ramsey County); Ramsey County's seeking and obtaining necessary permits at <br />their expense; the county's provision of up to $5,000 toward construction costs; <br />with the county also providing signage, collection containers and hauling services. <br />Mr. Springman advised that Ramsey County would provide compostable bags and <br />promote the service with any and all collection sites available to any resident in <br />Ramsey County. Mr. Springman advised that the county had toolkits available for <br />city use in their communication sources as well to promote the service. <br />As far as collection site criteria, Mr. Springman noted that the preference was for <br />siting them on publicly -owned land; their location in under -served areas of the <br />county; easy/visable access to the site; secure sites with the ability to accommodate <br />traffic and parking, preferably on a hard surface; and screening of the site. <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />
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