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This see-tion shall not apply to: <br /> 1. Natural areas, public open space or park lands, as determined by the city forester or <br /> naturalist designated by the city manager. (Ord. 1136, 2-28-1994); Amd. (Ord. 1384, 7- <br /> 13-2009) <br /> 2. Yard areas with natural landscaping that follow the City Park r,o,.,,A ffio„* policy for <br /> natural landscaping (Ord. 1384, 7-13-2009) <br /> L. Yard Cover: The yYard area of a lot shall not be bare soil, shall be covered by a groundcover and <br /> shall be maintained as set forward in Section 407.02(C h). (Ord. 1384, 7-13-2009) (Ord. 1466, 4- <br /> 21-2014) <br /> r . <br /> 1. The pr-aefiee of going house to house, doof! to doof, business to business, street to stfeet, of any <br /> other-t�Te of plaee to plaee, fof the pufposes of offering for-sale of!obtaining, or-attempting to <br /> obtain, orders for goods, wafes, pr-oduets, mer-ehandise, other-per-sonal pr-epefty or-seR,iees i <br /> eondueted in the folio ' <br /> or t4, L.1; .L,t of. <br /> b. Gondtieting business in a way as to efeate a threat to the health, safety and weifaf e of any <br /> individual of the 0 0 pti , <br /> e. Gondtieting business before 7.00 a.m. or-after-9-.00 p.nn.-. <br /> d. Making a*y false or-misleading statements duct or-sef-Ace being <br /> , <br /> abusive, <br /> Trespassing"2. Entefing the pfopet4y of anothef, unless invited to do so b�,the pfopet4y owner-or-tenant, f6f the <br /> pttfpose of eendueting business as a peddler-or solieitor-when the pfoperty is marked with a sign or <br /> plaear-d at least 4 inehes long and 4 inehes wide with print a4 least 4 9 point in size stating"No <br /> of"No Peddlef!s of Prohibited"or <br /> of othe <br /> this 0 per-son v„tio by . other-than the efly or-to <br /> nc. <br /> (Ord. 1293 4 11 -2003) <br /> O Vehicles Constituting a Publie Nuisance: <br /> 2. Vehieles impeding Traffic Flow. Any vehiele, whether-oeeupied of not that is found stopped,1. Abandoned and Aink Vehicles Gfeate 14azar-d: Abandoned and junk vehieles are deelar-ed to be a <br /> publie nuisanee ef!eafing hazard to the health and safety of the publie beeattse they invit-e <br /> pleader-ing, er-eate fife hazards, attfaet vefmin, and present physieal danger-s to the safety and weI4 <br /> being of ehildr-en and other- citizens. The aceumulation and outside storage of stich Vehieles is i <br /> tit. it shall be unlawful faf!a per-son to pile, store of!keep wreeked,junked or abandoned <br /> standing of pafked in vielation of any or-dinanee or-State > of that is reported stolen; <br /> of that tsfound impeding firefighting, snow r-emoval of piewing or-the er-der-ly fiew of traffie is deelafed to <br /> 3. Vehieles impeding Road and Utility Repair-: Any vehicle whieh is impeding publie road of titility <br /> been given to the vehiele ownef!or-user-at least 12 hour-s in advance, is declared to be a publi-e <br /> 4. Vehieles Without Lieense Pla4es. Except wher-e expressly pefmitted by state !aw, any vehiel <br /> shall be deemed to be junked or-abandoned if said vehiele does not have attaehed thereto a valid a <br /> 6 <br />