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2017_0508_REDA Minutes
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Economic Development Authority
2017_0508_REDA Minutes
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7/7/2017 9:18:07 AM
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Economic Development Authority
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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REDA Meeting <br />Minutes — Tuesday, May 8, 2017 <br />Page 3 <br />15th, allowing additional time if the REDA was unwilling to adopt a resolution <br />of support at tonight's meeting. <br />Member Willmus asked if the public funding portions from the city had been <br />addressed yet, including whether park dedication had been addressed. <br />Ms. Kelsey invited the development team to respond to that question. <br />Developer Representatives" Jamie Thelen, President/CEO of Sands <br />Company and Derek Metz, Senior VP — Originations, WNC, Roseville <br />Mr. Thelen provided several updates since the last REDA meeting, including <br />the HOME application requesting funds from the Ramsey County HRA in the <br />amount of $100,000 scheduled for consideration and award if approved on <br />May 9, 2017. <br />Specific to the Metropolitan Council project concept plan application, Mr. <br />Thelen reported that additional solar had been proposed for the project, <br />allowing solar for all carports, which remained flexible depending on the <br />funding, estimating 50% to 60% costs for that improvement. <br />In response to Member Etten's request for information on which sections the <br />developer met in the city's public financing criteria and business subsidy <br />policy, Mr. Thelen referenced additional narratives in tonight's meeting packet <br />describing each and the number of criteria met in each section (Attachment B). <br />In response to Member McGehee's concerns raised at the last REDA meeting <br />regarding affordable and market rate units in two different buildings rather <br />than co -mingled, Mr. Thelen provided comparisons and increased costs, as <br />well as implications for financing partners and their philosophy for integrating <br />the units. Mr. Thelen advised that at this point in the concept plans, the <br />affordable units were proposed at 60 units or 29% of the project. Mr. Thelen <br />noted that cross parking and cross maintenance agreements as well as license <br />agreements for use of common amenities by both market rate and affordable <br />units would be recorded for perpetuity with Ramsey County. <br />Specific to the requested public funding (tax increment financing), with cost <br />projections based on a long-term (30 year) affordability period, Mr. Thelen <br />noted that they were only seeking a period of approximately five years for that <br />funding. <br />Specific to the park dedication as requested by Member Willmus, Mr. Thelen <br />revised the potential fee for the development at $836,000, or $4,000 per unit. <br />Also, if the project was one building, Mr. Thelen noted there would be no need <br />to replat the property, therefore not kicking in the park dedication fee in that <br />case. <br />
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