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Attachment B <br />3.Please submit an itemized list of project costs for which public financingis being <br />requested. <br /> <br />4.Statespecific reasons why, “but for” the use of public financing, this project would not be <br />possible. <br />Application Process <br />1.The following documents must accompany the Application: <br />A.A detailed sources & uses statement and 15-year project <br />Pro Forma <br />B.Parcel Map depicting the proposed redevelopment area <br />C.Site plans and floors plans (as available) <br />D.Significant information may be requested at any time by the City/EDA and in addition <br />to the materials outlined in this application. The Applicant shall be required to submit <br />any and all information as requested by the City/EDA. <br />2.Applicant acknowledges and agrees to pay the $1,500 Public FinancingApplication Fee, <br />which is , at the time the application is submitted <br />non-refundable <br />3.The application will be reviewed by the City’s Municipal Advisor, and upon favorable <br />review, City/EDA staff will prepare a preliminary development agreement for review and <br />approval by the Applicant and the City/EDA. If the Applicant and the City/EDA approve <br />the preliminary development agreement, the Applicant shall deposit $15,000 with the <br />City/EDA to cover administrative costs, defined as legal and consultants’ costs incurred as <br />part of conducting any required fiscal analysis, negotiating and drafting a development <br />agreement, and establishing a tax increment financing district or granting an <br />abatement. Upon written notice from the City/EDA, the Applicant shall be responsible for <br />paying administrative costs incurred exceeding applicant’s initial $15,000 deposit, if any. <br /> <br />