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Attachment B <br />fȩ 2¤³ ¨­ «®¢ « ©®¡²  ­£ȝ®± ¨­¢±¤ ²¤ ³§¤ ­´¬¡¤±  ­£ £¨µ¤±²¨³¸ ®¥ °´ «¨³¸ ©®¡²ȁ <br /> When stabilized, Edison will bring additional permanent jobs to Roseville. It is anticipated <br />that the property will employee a FT Property Manager, FT Assistant Manager, PT Caretakers and a <br />FT Maintenance Engineer. <br /> <br />¦ȩ -¤¤³ ®³§¤± ´²¤² ®¥ ¯´¡«¨¢ ¯®«¨¢¸Ǿ  ²  £®¯³¤£ ¡¸ ³§¤ #¨³¸ #®´­¢¨« ¥±®¬ ³¨¬¤ ³® ³¨¬¤Ǿ <br />¨­¢«´£¨­¦ ¡´³ ­®³ «¨¬¨³¤£ ³® ¯±®¬®³¨®­ ®¥ °´ «¨³¸ ´±¡ ­ £¤²¨¦­Ǿ °´ «¨³¸  ±¢§¨³¤¢³´± « £¤²¨¦­Ǿ <br />¤­¤±¦¸ ¢®­²¤±µ ³¨®­Ǿ ²´²³ ¨­ ¡«¤ ¡´¨«£¨­¦ ¯± ¢³¨¢¤²Ǿ  ­£ £¤¢±¤ ²¨­¦ ³§¤ ¢ ¯¨³ «  ­£ ®¯¤± ³¨­¦ <br />¢®²³² ®¥ «®¢ « ¦®µ¤±­¬¤­³ȁ <br /> <br />Quality Urban & Architectural Design. Incorporating quality urban design for Edison will <br />be a key for it to be successful both socially and economically, it being a great place to live and <br />an attractive place to visit. This urban design will also be important in creating its community <br />identity. As the designs for the project moves forward, the architectural team will work closely <br />with the City in the effective planning and design of Edison to ensure quality urban design. <br /> <br />Energy Conservation. Edison will look to incorporate a solar system that will not only <br />allow the building owner to see the benefits of solar, but also the residents. To do this, Edison will <br />create a community solar garden which residents can subscribe to. This is an easy way for residents <br />to subscribe and get paid for the solar energy produced by the solar garden. The residents would <br />still buy and use energy as they always have, but they would receive a payment for their portion of <br /> <br /> <br />Sustainable Building Practices. The 60 unit work-force housing building of Edison will <br />follow Enterprise Green Communities Design Criteria that establishes standards in green building <br />design and construction. Minnesota Green Communities is a collaboration of the Greater Minnesota <br />Housing Fund, the Family Housing Fund and Enterprise designed to foster the creation of healthier <br />and more energy efficient housing throughout Minnesota. The initiative supports the production of <br />housing with reduced energy costs, the use of materials beneficial to the environment, conversation <br />minded land use planning and attention to the creation of healthy environments and lifestyles for <br />individuals, children, families and communities. These standards emphasize an integrated design <br />process with the developer, architect, engineers, contractor and building management team <br />involved from the start of the design process. <br /> <br />The initial design of the proposed development will involve all parties of the project <br />and neighborhood fabric, site improvements, water conservation, energy efficiency, beneficial <br />materials selections, a healthy living environment and operation and management practices. <br />Examples include efficient land use, use of Energy Star appliances, water conserving plumbing <br />fixtures, high efficiency HVAC systems and extensive use of LED lighting. <br /> <br />Sustainable building strategies are intended to increase resource efficiency and reduce <br />environmental impacts, but they can also yield cost savings through long-term reductions in <br />operating expenses. Increased energy performance, comfort of occupants and a healthier indoor <br />environment are the major benefits, but increased durability of building components and simplified <br />maintenance requirements can lead to financial efficiencies for the development. <br /> <br />Air filtration and ventilation systems do not eliminate the health hazards caused by <br />secondhand smoke. Tobacco smoke from one unit may seep through the walls, open windows, <br />beneath doors or be circulated by a shared ventilation system or otherwise enter the living space of <br />another resident. In addition to the negative health effects, smoking significantly increases fire <br />hazard and increases cleaning and maintenance costs. <br /> <br /> <br />