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Attachment G <br />City of Roseville and Roseville Economic Development Authority <br /> <br />Checklist for Public Financing Criteria <br />Project Name______________________________________________________________ <br />Project Address____________________________________________________________ <br />Applications for public financing should consider the following City Objectives and Qualifications from the Business <br />Subsidy Policy adopted by the City Council on October 17, 2016. Please provide a written narrative that lets us know <br />how your project meets the following objectives and qualifications. <br />1.CityÔs Objective for the Use of Public Financing (#2 of Policy) <br />As a matter of adopted policy, the City may consider using public financing which may include tax increment financing <br />(TIF), tax abatement, bonds, and other forms of public financing as appropriate, to assist private development projects. <br />Such assistance must comply with all applicable statutory requirements and accomplish one or more of the following <br />objectives. Please check all that apply and explain in your written narrative how your project <br />accomplishes the objectives. <br />a) Remove blight and/or encourage redevelopment in designated redevelopment/development area(s) per the <br />goals and visions established by the City Council and EDA. <br />b) Expand and diversify the local economy and tax base. <br />c) Encourage additional unsubsidized private development in the area, either directly or through secondary Ñspin- <br />offÒ development. <br />d) Offset increased costs for redevelopment over and above the costs that a developer would incur in normal <br />urban and suburban development (determined as part of the But-For analysis). <br />e) Facilitate the development process and promote development on sites that could not be developed without this <br />assistance. <br />f) Retain local jobs and/or increase the number and diversity of quality jobs <br />g) Meet other uses of public policy, as adopted by the City Council from time to time, including but not limited to <br />promotion of quality urban design, quality architectural design, energy conservation, sustainable building practices, <br />and decreasing the capital and operating costs of local government. <br />2.Projects that May Qualify for Public Financing Assistance (#4 of Policy) <br />All new applications for assistance considered by the City must meet each of the following minimum <br />Qualifications/Requirements. It should not be presumed that a project meeting these qualifications will automatically be <br />approved for assistance. Meeting the qualifications does not imply or create contractual rights on the part of any <br />potential developer to have its project approved for assistance. Please check all that apply and explain in your <br />written narrative how you envision your project meeting the following Qualifications/Requirements. <br />a) In addition to meeting the applicable requirements of State law, the project shall meet one or more of the public <br />financing objectives outlined in Section 1. <br />b) The developer must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the project is not financially feasible Ñbut <br />forÒ the use of tax increment or other public financing. <br />c) The project must be consistent with the CityÔs Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinances, Design Guidelines <br />or any other applicable land use documents. <br />d) Prior to approval of a financing plan, the developer shall provide any requested market and financial feasibility <br />studies, appraisals, soil boring, private lender commitment, and/or other information the City or its financial <br />consultants may require in order to proceed with an independent evaluation of the proposal. <br /> <br />