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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 15, 2017 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Culver clarified that,once this was more finalized based on feedback from the Plan- <br /> ning Commission and City Council and weekly review by the Planning and Public <br /> Works Departments cooperatively, the subdivision code and design manual would <br /> both be updated and once more solidified. At that point, Mr. Culver advised that <br /> the design manual would be brought forward to the City Council not necessarily <br /> for their formal action,but for information purposes. <br /> Councilmember McGehee agreed that the more of this went into the design manual <br /> the better from a technical perspective. <br /> Mr. Culver advised that staff would anticipate and continue to lead developers of a <br /> subdivision to review both the city code and design manual as part of their applica- <br /> tion; with staff intent on balancing both between technicalities versus general in- <br /> formation. In that aspect, Mr. Culver opined that tonight's City Council direction <br /> was helpful beyond staff's perspective of what was too detailed for city code and <br /> should be moved to the manual and vice versa. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan suggested that another way to think in terms of balance was <br /> that this was a subdivision code involving divisions of land, with the necessary <br /> elements of city code intended to address geometric configurations of those lots <br /> from a subdivision application,where the radius of a turnaround may be applicable <br /> in city code, as an example, while the actual composition of that turnaround was <br /> more technical and should be addressed in the design manual. <br /> Mr. Culver concurred, noting that the concept was being considered as to at what <br /> point the city felt strongly enough that it would require a variance rather than simply <br /> negotiating with staff on certain aspects, with those items clearly identified as re- <br /> quirements in city code and not up for negotiation. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned how meaningful functional classifications <br /> would be if not illustrated sufficiently. If something is mandatory, however, <br /> whether highly technical or not, shouldn't it be included in city code? <br /> Councilmember Etten opined that it would become more meaningful at the point <br /> when the developer hires an engineer to plat it out. While the City Council won't <br /> build the road, Councilmember Etten opined that city code required teeth for a pro- <br /> cess in place for any variances. While recognizing tonight's discussion, Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten spoke in support of staff s intent to leave specifics out of city code <br /> for that purpose. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated his complete agreement of what Public Works Di- <br /> rector Culver was speaking to for those things when provided for in ordinance no <br /> longer subject to administrative negotiation, but considered a standard and expec- <br /> tation of what a developer brought forward on site plans, surveys, and/or plats. <br />