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1176, 11 75 1006\ <br /> (19902. Approval of the pr-eliminafy plat shall not be eenstfued to be appr-oval of the final plat. <br /> Code; 1995 Code) (nrd 1296 10 20 2002) <br /> Code; s <br /> G. Final Plat <br /> plat;1. Final Plat Submission; The owner or- subdivideF shall siibfnit the final plat of a pr-oposed <br /> subdivision not later- than six months aftef the date of appr-oval of the pr-elifainar-y <br /> othem4se, the pr-eliminary plat will be eonsider-ed void unless an exte i .iested i <br /> writing by the subdivider and granted by the City Couneil. The owner- of subdivider- shall also <br /> submit with the fina4 plat an up to date eeftified abstfaet of title of registered pr-opefty r-epe <br /> appl;...,.,t lord 1176, 1 1 75 1006\ (Ofd. 1 96, 1.0 I-Ow z1003){Ofd. 13 63, 24 20821 <br /> 2. Required Changes ineor-pefated- The final plat shall have ineor-perated all g <br /> pr-elifninar-y plat. it may eonstitute only that poftion of the appr-oved pmliminar-y plat whieh th-e <br /> ite requirements of this Title. (1990 Code; 1995 Code) in,.a 1206, 10 20 2002\ <br /> 14. Approval and Reeor-ding. The City Co ..:1 1, 11 t final plat 1;..ation .:�thi.. <br /> ��rm'r�'a��upvir c�iai�icr Pius uYfHiaay........ .�.. <br /> 60 days of the submission of a eempleted applieation. The fefusal to approve the <br /> set fof4h in the pr-ooeedings of the City Go neil and r-epofted to the per-son or-per-sons appl�ia <br /> for- sueh appr-oval. if the fina4 plat is appfoved, the subdivider- shall r-eeor-d said plat with th <br /> County Reeor-der- within one year- aftef the date of approval a*d pr-iof to the isstianee of any <br /> building <br /> the <br /> r-eva4 of the fina4 <br /> lat shall be eonsider-ed <br /> (1990 <br /> 'l <br /> ^permit; s Code; <br /> in?TC'-tide\[[�. 0 20 '1002) !n+-d 1363, i1 2 7 _ nn4\ <br /> 7�C���s s <br /> 114y n�ECES ARV DATA FOR PRELIMINARY DT A T. <br /> In addition to the data preser-ibed by the law of the State of Minnesota; the pr-elifninar-y p! <br /> ata-Ashe l inelude the C 11., data- <br /> A. identifieation and Des <br /> —rcientlfiC-acrorrcciitr-ncs ci=rprrorr. <br /> r Proposed ire-of subdivision, whieh name sha4l ofd l t t1, f plat <br /> the name of r <br /> township,iously r-eeor-ded in the Count),. <br /> Leewmation by <br /> s <br /> town or range of by other-legal deseriptieft, <br /> Names and addresses of the owner- er- subdivider- haAng oofitfel of the lands ineluded i <br /> •'d 1aft, the designer-of the plan and the s,,.•.,e.,,,r <br /> 4. Gfaphie (engineefing) seale not less dim one(1) ineh to one hundred (100)feet. <br /> 5.Noft'rpoint-(designated as true rtl,\ <br /> v. <br /> Date of preparation. <br /> B. Existing Conditions: <br /> r-Exiscrn"�z''vr"irffs-^cz a����= <br /> 3. T t,1 „te o e :ti le„ <br /> 4. Loeation, wi ths And n�.es of All existing or- previously platted streets or- other- p <br /> ways showing type of > if > <br /> railroad and utility fights of way, parks and othe <br /> eor-por-- <br /> lines within the t t d t a d' tanee h tired r1 nm fi et beyond the tr-aet <br /> 5. Leeation and size of existing s <br /> eulverts of other-underground faeiliwithin the tT-aet and to a distanee of one hundr-ed (100) feet beye� the traet. Stieh data <br /> gr-ades, <br />