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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, June 19, 2017 <br /> Page 21 <br /> McGehee moved, Etten seconded, directing Community Development staff to <br /> abate the public nuisance at 949 Brooks Avenue W by notifying a towing compa- <br /> ny to remove the vehicle from the property; with the property owner billed for ac- <br /> tual and administrative costs; and if those charges are not paid, staff will recover <br /> costs as specified in City Code, Section 407.07B. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee, Willmus, Laliberte, Etten and Roe <br /> Nays: None. <br /> e. Consideration of a Community Development Department Request to Per- <br /> form an Abatement for Unresolved Violations of City Code at 2490 Sheldon <br /> Street <br /> As previously noted, this item was removed from tonight's agenda for future con- <br /> sideration. <br /> f. Consideration of a Community Development Department Request to Per- <br /> form an Abatement for Unresolved Violations of City Code at 578 Ryan Av- <br /> enue W <br /> As previously noted, this item was resolved prior to tonight's meeting. <br /> g. Discussion about Fairview Fire Station <br /> As detailed in the RCA, City Manager Trudgeon noted the current situation with <br /> this former fire station site on Fairview Avenue, existing easements and current <br /> zoning guidance as Institutional. Mr. Trudgeon further noted the interest of the <br /> Gaughan Companies in this property, with several of their representatives present <br /> tonight to present a concept plan for the site. However, Mr. Trudgeon advised <br /> that this proposal had just been received late last week, and had received no sig- <br /> nificant vetting by staff at this point, and would therefore, require substantial re- <br /> view and only represented one possible option should the city decide to put the <br /> parcel on the market. If and when the city makes that decision, Mr. Trudgeon <br /> noted that there would be an impact to current users, including the Roseville His- <br /> torical Society, who also had representatives in tonight's audience wishing to <br /> speak to the issue. Mr. Trudgeon noted that the continuing shuffling of this group <br /> remained a challenge to them, and therefore the Society was offering another op- <br /> tion to retain the property and rehabilitate the existing building. Mr. Trudgeon <br /> noted the need to also address current storage at the site and related Cedarholm <br /> Golf Course preliminary plans, not currently including a basement that the City <br /> Council may wish to include as an alternate to future design bids, with an estimat- <br /> ed $28,000 to include that option in the Request for Proposals (RFP). <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, City Manager Trudgeon advised that <br /> the current city-wide space needs study was in the process of being wrapped up at <br /> this time, and anticipated for City Council information in July. Mr. Trudgeon <br /> cautioned that efficiencies in existing space may be separate from the reality of <br /> city needs and the challenges of providing those spaces all under one roof. <br />