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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, June 19, 2017 <br /> Page 24 <br /> those available artifacts. However, Mayor Roe recognized the logistical issues <br /> surrounding moving those artifacts. Specific to the proximity to the City Hall <br /> campus, Mayor Roe noted another option could be the field space off Victoria at <br /> Central Park that wasn't currently programmed for sports activities but might be <br /> available for a building to house the Historical Society. Mayor Roe stated his <br /> support for the Fire Relief Association to be housed in the new fire station, stating <br /> the need to resolve access issues. With limited storage space available at City <br /> Hall for Parks and Recreation needs and the garage space a frequent topic of dis- <br /> cussion, and security needs of the Police Department as part of that building, <br /> Mayor Roe suggested the need to consider other storage solutions, even if tempo- <br /> rary. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the building at County Road C and Snelling Avenue may <br /> be back on the market; with City Manager Trudgeon confirming that it was, but <br /> also noted the prohibitive price at this point; with Mayor Roe suggesting that it <br /> could be revisited. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the city had no obligation to sell a building <br /> that it already owned to repurpose monies from a sale to simply turn around and <br /> purchase another site for storage if it didn't prove more cost-effective for the city. <br /> Specific to comments by Councilmember McGehee regarding a police presence in <br /> that area of town, Mayor Roe noted that the Police Department had not been <br /> heard from, and expressed his curiosity in hearing their perspective prior to re- <br /> serving space for them at the Fairview site. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Rynetta Renford, President,Roseville Historical Society <br /> Ms. Renford expressed appreciation for tonight's conversation and the City <br /> Council's interest in finding a permanent home for the Society, and recognition of <br /> hard work done by them, currently celebrating their 401h Anniversary, with an up- <br /> coming public celebration planned. Of note, Ms. Renford asked that the city con- <br /> sider the difficulty in not having the storage and office located together; and also <br /> asked that consideration be given to the fragility of moving some of the artifacts <br /> whether for display or frequently relocating them for storage from one location to <br /> another. Ms. Renford noted the Society's interest in being located on the City <br /> Hall campus, and thanked the city for considering permanent home for them, but <br /> stated their ongoing willingness to work with whatever site is chosen. <br /> Ms. Renford noted the current limited members who continued to do any moving, <br /> but noted the potential in attracting younger community members as the Society's <br /> presence was better known and had an actual meeting place and potential for ex- <br /> panding hours. <br /> Specific to available grant funds from the State, Ms. Renford advised that the <br /> amount depended on circumstances,building conditions and other criteria. <br />