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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 19, 2017 <br /> Page 26 <br /> h. Review Budgetary Impact form the 2017 Legislative Session <br /> As detailed in the RCA, Finance Director Chris Miller briefly summarized the in- <br /> formation impacting the budget as a result of the 2017 legislative session, with <br /> more specifics to be provided when the 2018 City Manager-recommended budget <br /> comes forward in August. Mr. Miller highlighted additional Local Government <br /> Aid and Municipal State Aid anticipated. Mr. Miller advised that staff would <br /> continue to monitor grant opportunities as more details become available. <br /> Finance Director Miller also noted the change in Preliminary Economic Devel- <br /> opment Authority (EDA) levy certification dates changed to coincide with Gen- <br /> eral Levy certification of September 30tH <br /> Mayor Roe asked that staff adjust the 2018 budget timeline accordingly to reflect <br /> the EDA Preliminary Levy submission date; and suggested that staff recommend <br /> which CIP fund would best benefit from the additional Local Government Aid <br /> monies. Mayor Roe also asked that staff provide a plus/minus report specific to <br /> additional State Aid for Police Training (lines 23-25) and changes to the General <br /> Fund accordingly as identified currently and as a result of these legislative chang- <br /> es, and that they be identified as to whether they are temporary or permanent. <br /> i. Review Citizen Comments on 2018 Budget Priorities <br /> As detailed in the RCA and attachments, City Manager Patrick Trudgeon re- <br /> viewed those citizen comments received to-date on budget priorities, and possible <br /> themes coming out of those comments, but instead providing a broad range of <br /> topics. Mr. Trudgeon suggested continuing this tool, and stated that he anticipat- <br /> ed more comments as the 2018 budget process continued that would be forwarded <br /> to the City Council as they became available. <br /> j. Request to Amend City Code, Chapter 309 (Massage Therapy) <br /> As detailed in the RCA, Finance Director Chris Miller reviewed the proposed <br /> City Council requested administrative process and criteria for approval of mas- <br /> sage therapy establishment and therapist licenses rather than the current process <br /> being used. Mr. Miller reviewed necessary changes to city code (Attachment A) <br /> to make that change, as well as general updated language; noting three different <br /> actions required for City Council approval (lines 26-29) as well as a proposed <br /> Resolution (Attachment D) showing City Council support for a statewide licens- <br /> ing approval process. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, City Attorney Gaughan advised that <br /> he had reviewed and approved the amended language for Chapter 309 from a le- <br /> gal standpoint. <br /> In general, Councilmember McGehee noted the nomadic nature of massage thera- <br /> pists around the entire metropolitan area, and suggested that the owner of a mas- <br /> sage therapy establishment be charged with tracking therapists for licensing and <br /> performance with the Police Department and/or Code staff doing compliance <br />