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2017-8-3_PR Comm Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation Commission
2017-8-3_PR Comm Packet
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7/28/2017 2:27:38 PM
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Per Capita Commercial Share <br />30 acres/1000 employees in city = .03 acres per Employee <br />Step 5. <br />Establish park dedications by ordinance. The amount of land to be dedicated as part of residential <br />subdivision or plat will be equal to the per acre residential share (determined in Step 4) times the <br />number of residents expected in the development or subdivision. To arrive at an amount in lieu <br />of land dedication, take the per acre value of undeveloped land times the amount ofland the city <br />could have required to be dedicated. <br />Step 6. <br />To calculate the amount to be dedicated as part of a commercial development, multiply the per <br />acre commercial share (determined in Step 4) by the number of employees expected in the <br />development.To arrive at a cash payment in lieu of land dedication, take the per acre value of <br />undeveloped commercial land times the amount of land the city could have required to be <br />dedicated. <br />Step 7. <br />Make provisions in your ordinance to provide that these are themaximum amounts the city can <br />charge and give the council discretion to vary from these requirements as a result of unique <br />attributes of the development or to account for parks or open space that may already be included <br />the development. (Note: The city is not required to take any of these considerations into account <br />when arriving at the park dedication amount.) <br />League ofMinnesota Cities Information Memo:8/12/2013 <br />Subdivisions, Plats and Development AgreementsPage 13 <br /> <br />
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