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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 10, 2017 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mayor Roe echoed many of the comments of his colleagues. Specific to transit <br /> ties in the overall transportation plan, while the east/west routes made sense, <br /> Mayor Roe also noted the need to remain cognizant of those passing through Ro- <br /> seville on the north-south routes to work in Downtown St. Paul and/or Minneap- <br /> olis, and the need to enhance those routes as well. <br /> Specific to the PWETC's upcoming work on the Transportation and Pathway <br /> Master Plans, Mayor Roe spoke in support of them doing so. However, Mayor <br /> Roe asked that the PWETC pay careful attention to using consistent and clear cri- <br /> teria, expressing his support for that used in the 2008 Pathway Master Plan or <br /> asked for similar criteria to be used that provided a well-thought-out process in <br /> reviewing and prioritizing segments as and when funding became available. <br /> Mayor Roe asked that the PWETC use such a consistent method, and provide <br /> their rationale in using those criteria, as they review the pathway plan. Mayor <br /> Roe opined that of particular interest to him, and what he considered a missing <br /> component in the previous plan, was addressing missing connections from multi- <br /> family housing to public transit, even though it had been somewhat addressed <br /> with recent connections at Dale Street and County Road B. However, Mayor Roe <br /> opined that there were other relatively small segments between multi-family hous- <br /> ing and transit within '/block,but only currently accessible for pedestrians by us- <br /> ing the street. <br /> Councilmember Willmus echoed Mayor Roe's comments regarding establishing <br /> criteria for the pathway master plan process that provided consistent scoring and <br /> review of each segment. Councilmember Willmus agreed that was a flaw with <br /> the most recent review by former PWETC members as individual commissioners <br /> applied criteria in an arbitrary manner to prioritize segments. Councilmember <br /> Willmus opined that it was important for the PWETC as a group to have commu- <br /> nity-based standards for that criteria ranking. <br /> Councilmember McGehee agreed with the comments of her colleagues related to <br /> transportation plan updates. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that a remaining issue for her was private sewer <br /> lining in addition to backflow device installations. To clarify previous comments <br /> related to lead pipes in Roseville homes, Councilmember McGehee advised that <br /> there were lead pipes — since replaced — in her home; and advised that in around <br /> 1975 the practice was instituted from use of lead solder to lead-free solder to <br /> sweat joints. <br /> Specific to lining private laterals, Chair Cihacek reported that the PWETC had re- <br /> viewed this, noting it involved two different processes and contractors from that <br /> of the city's mains, and required 100% agreement by affected residents to bear the <br /> cost. Chair Cihacek advised that discussions had included whether to include <br /> such an option as part of the city's design/engineering bid process when redoing <br />