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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
8/23/2017 2:52:20 PM
Creation date
8/23/2017 2:52:01 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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171 studies at intersections to alleviate traffic issues, and possible policy changes that <br />172 could help improve the system in the future. After a plan is in place, more detailed <br />173 scoping studies are done, it is included in the City/County CIP or State <br />174 Improvement Program (STIP), right of way is acquired, and projects are completed. <br />175 This completed transportation plan is forecasted through the year 2040. <br />176 <br />177 Mr. Mareck highlighted the goals and policies from the City's existing <br />178 transportation plan. He encouraged Commission members to look them over and <br />179 provide staff with feedback on things that may be out of date or additions that could <br />180 be made. He referred to Goal 5 and noted, that not all the multi -modal infrastructure <br />181 is owned by the City, and it was suggested to change the statement to read, <br />182 "Encourage the use of non -motorized transportation to provide or support a high - <br />183 quality network..." <br />184 <br />185 Member Seigler (54.07) referred to Goal 2 and inquired why the City is so anti - <br />186 growth. Highway 36 is killing Roseville and making every street going east and <br />187 west a highway. The plan says they are not going to do expansion and expects <br />188 people to ride a bike. Chair Cihacek pointed out there is not a lot of space left in <br />189 Roseville for expansion, unless they change density. Mr. Mareck commented a <br />190 transportation plan is about putting together a balanced network of improvements. <br />191 In discussions, there has been a strong desire to focus on the bike and pedestrian <br />192 trails. <br />193 <br />194 Member Seigler (56.22) suggested they build the transportation plan to include <br />195 future growth. Mr. Mareck stated at this stage they are only collecting input from <br />196 people regarding modes of transportation and there are not any solutions that are <br />197 being proposed. These types of projects will need to have multiple owners that <br />198 would include Mn/DOT, Ramsey County, and the City, and that is why they have <br />199 been included in the initial discussions. <br />200 <br />201 The Commission discussed the future use of self -driving cars and if the future use <br />202 of them should be included as a mode of transit. They will make more efficient use <br />203 of roads, but will still use the roadways. <br />204 <br />205 Mr. Culver stated there is conflict and synergy between Goals 2 and 3. Goal 3 does <br />206 address accommodating existing and projected demand of cars to reduce <br />207 congestion. The plan itself does not say they are against any roadway capacity and <br />208 they are open to expand roadways in an effort to improve congestion. The plan <br />209 represents they are in a constrained place both fiscally and with land, and it is <br />210 difficult to expand the roadways within an urban environment. Chair Cihacek <br />211 suggested they look more closely at Goals 2 and 3 and remove some of the <br />212 conflicting language. <br />213 <br />214 Mr. Mareck referred to the maps in the meeting packet, beginning on page 34, and <br />215 continued his report on the existing roadways in Roseville regarding roadway <br />216 jurisdiction, lanes, classification, average daily traffic (ADT), existing and <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />
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