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2017-01-04_PC_Minutes_Approved (3)
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
2017-01-04_PC_Minutes_Approved (3)
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9/13/2017 3:57:58 PM
Creation date
9/13/2017 3:49:13 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Planning Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Regular Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, January 4, 2017 <br />Page 14 <br />of that quality of life. Ms. Skavar also encouraged the commission to look at the concept of traffic 653 <br />calming devices (e.g., boulevards with trees, circles) and other ways to encourage traffic to slow 654 <br />down, not only in neighborhoods but in commercial areas as well. Ms. Skavar opined that the 655 <br />next generation may choose sidewalks versus cars; and with the walking trailways throughout 656 <br />Roseville serving to connect neighborhoods, it had a good start, but needed more of those 657 <br />connections by piggybacking onto other projects or ways to create that livable community for the 658 <br />next generation rather than simply resigning itself to be a community with an aging demographic, 659 <br />but instead worthy of the next generation. 660 <br />Member Bull agreed with those comments and the need to look at that future urbanization to 661 <br />suburbanization aspect and where Roseville was in that 20 year range and then look at 662 <br />technology and other changes to consider for the next group of residents. 663 <br />With no one else appearing, at approximately 9:13 p.m., Chair Boguszewski closed public 664 <br />comment. 665 <br />b. Review dates for monthly meetings dedicated to the comprehensive plan update. A 666 <br />regular, fourth-Wednesday monthly meeting has been proposed; for discussion, those 667 <br />dates in 2017 are as follows: 668 <br />January 25 May 24 September 27 669 <br />February 22 June 28 October 25 670 <br />March 22 July 26 November 22 671 <br />April 26 August 23 December 26 672 <br />Discussion ensued on available of the Council Chambers for these additional meetings; start 673 <br />times; length of meetings anticipated at 1.5 to 2 hours; and specific agendas and advance 674 <br />homework for the commission for these additional monthly meetings focusing on the 675 <br />comprehensive plan update. 676 <br />MOTION 677 <br />Member Bull moved, seconded by Member Daire to approve the additional special meeting 678 <br />dates in January through October, as discussed, specific to the comprehensive plan 679 <br />update process as follows; amended from staff’s proposal to consider November and 680 <br />December dates to be determined at a later date if and as needed 681 <br />Ayes: 5 682 <br />Nays: 0 683 <br />Motion carried. 684 <br />6. Adjourn 685 <br />MOTION 686 <br />By consensus, Chair Boguszewski adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:19 p.m. 687 <br />Ayes: 5 688 <br />Nays: 0 689 <br />Motion carried. 690
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