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2017-9-5_PR Comm Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation Commission
2017-9-5_PR Comm Packet
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9/28/2017 2:02:27 PM
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9/28/2017 2:02:25 PM
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Provide a high-quality, financially sound system of parks, open spaces, trails, and waterways that meets the recreation needs of all city residents, <br />Goal 2: Parks Development, Redevelopment and Rehabilitation <br />Notes <br />Revise <br />community’s identity and character. <br />Delete <br />Keep <br />XXXXXXXX <br />2.8: Encourage the preservation of features in parks considered to be of historic <br />landscapes and other features of historic or cultural significance when they are <br />community building activities teaching them life-long skills, and exposing them <br />2.5: Maintain parks and open space according to the standards outlined in the <br />emotional well-being, as a complement to primary physical focus of parks and or cultural value, especially those features that do not conflict with other park <br />2.1: Evaluate and refurbish parks, as needed, to reflect changes in population, 2.3: Focus parks on passive and active recreational activities and activities that informal, non- programmed <br />activities—those open to anyone in the community, the development of well-planned parks, high- quality materials and labor-saving 2.7: Promote and support volunteerism to encourage people <br />to actively support <br />facilities that minimize the maintenance demands on the City by emphasizing <br />leisure time available, and best practice designs and technologies, and asset <br />lifecycle costs, even if the initial cost is higher. Develop park and recreation <br />age, and diversity of residents, recreational activities preferred, amount of <br />incorporating art and cultural programs, which enrich citizens’ mental and <br />Park Maintenance Manual which recognizes that levels of service must be <br />uses and activities. Consider the potential of historic landscapes in parks, <br />take advantage of the unique natural features. Pursue opportunities for 2.4: Organize all parks and facilities so that a component is provided for <br />including agricultural landscapes or features. Work to perpetuate those <br />2.2: Orient parks and programs equally to youth activities that focus on <br />accommodate adults’ needs for wellness and provide a range of social <br />to a variety of recreation experiences, and to adult activities which <br />provided based on the intensity of use and purpose of the site. <br />identified through recognized investigations. <br />maintenance devices and practices. <br />Roseville’s parks and open spaces. <br />interaction opportunities. <br />management strategies. <br />recreation programs. <br />at any time. <br />Policy <br /> <br />
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