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2015_0513_Ethics Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Ethics Commission
2015_0513_Ethics Packet
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Last modified
11/30/2017 9:06:34 AM
Creation date
10/10/2017 11:02:59 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Ethics Commission
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C. If the City Attorney_or City Manager determines that the subject of the complaint <br />tnay have committed a crime, the City Attorney and City Manager shall ref'er the <br />matter to the appropriate criminal authority. <br />D. If the eriminal proceeding ends with a sentencing, said sentencing sha11 be . <br />cansidered to be the final disposition of the complaint. <br />E. If there has been no violation of a criminal la�v, the City Attarney or City <br />Manager, as the case may be, shall issue a report that documents the results of the <br />City Attorney's or City Manager's investigation(s), <br />1. 7'he report shall be sent directly to the City Council if the complaint <br />involves an Ethics Commission member. The Council sha3� have the <br />authority to dismiss any Ethics Commission member faund to have violated <br />the Ethics Code. <br />2. The report shall be sent to the Ethics Commission if the ec�mp]aint involves <br />other Public Officials, The Ethic� ('nmm;.c�,�„ �hati t,�.,� f�,p �„+�,�r.�., �,. <br />convene and issue it's own report and recommendation ta the City Council, <br />Thereafter, the City Council shall take action as the Cauncil deems <br />appropriate. <br />F. The standard for decisions regarding allegations of ethical vioiations covered by <br />Section 3 of this code shall be "clear and convincing evidence." The term "clear <br />and convincing evidence" shall mean that burden of proof as defined by <br />Minnesota State law. <br />G. In processing complaints, the City Attorney, City Manager, Ethics Commission <br />and City Council shall process and maintain data in a manner consistent with <br />Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, the Minnesota Data Practices Act, <br />H. A complainant rraav withdraw a com�laint, filed �nder this Code at any tirrfle, <br />In writ�n� with the Citv Manager or City r�ttorney Unaess the Citv Council <br />directs c��herwi�e, C`ity �ersonnel need not take any further action in <br />accordance with the Code �fter such withdrawal. Qnce ac�e tance b the <br />�ity Cauncil has been �ranted, the City Attornev or City Mana�er shall <br />�rravlde n�tice to ihe corrdplainant, the subiect af the compEaint if appropriate, <br />and t��e Ethres Comrr�ission that the withdrawal has been acce ted. <br />Section G. Disc�osure of �'inancial In�erests <br />Not later than ninety (90) days after the date of approval of this Code, each Public <br />Offici�l of the City shall �le as a public record, in the of�ce of the City Manager, a <br />statement containing the following: <br />7 <br />
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