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PR�CEDURE <br />Secti<}n 5 of the Ethics Code pr�ovides a procedural framewor-k for t17e I�andlipg of the present <br />cc��nplaint. The process is as iollows: <br />1. `T'he C'ity Attomey sl�all inve.stigate the coinplaint. <br />2. 'I'he City Attorney shall issue a report that documents the results of the City Attorney's <br />investigatiori. <br />3. The City �lttomey's report shall bc delivered to the Ethics Cornmissi�li. <br />4. The Ethics Comn�ission is authorized to convene and issue its o���n report and� <br />recommendation to the City Council, <br />5. The►•eafter, the City Council shall take action as the Council deems ap}�ropriate, <br />The �thics Code provides no further procedural guidance, This af�ce unclerstands that the <br />Etllics Commissian will convene on Novemher 14, 2012, The Commission will have three <br />ai�tians to consider; (]) Adopt the report and reco�nmendations af the City Attoi•ney and fon��ard <br />the sa��ne to the City Council; (2) Reject the repoi� antl recommendatians af the City Attorney, in <br />whole or in pai•t, and f'ormulate its own report and recommendations ta he fo1-warded to the City <br />Cauncil; or {3) Take no position on the report of the City Attarney and forward the matter to the <br />City Cour�eil, The Commission is not authorized, under the Ethics C'ade or Seetion 206 of' City <br />Cade, t� l�ndertake any additional actions, <br />Under t]�e Ethics Code, the Cit}� Council's sole directive is to ``take action as the Council deems <br />ap�aropriate," This office's recommendation is for the Council to receive the report and <br />recommcndations of the City Attorney (and, if applicable, the Ethics Commissi�m) and take any <br />approp3�iate action ��ia motion after Cauncil discussion, Because the task of investigation is <br />vested ��Jithin ihe City Attorney's of�ce, no f'urther information gathering is necessary, <br />Respecif'ully subnlitted, <br />Date: � ! ;� �t���.�; � _ _ �""'"�� -? e°� <br />_ �.����,. <br />Mark F. Gaughan —. .�--��-- <br />City Attorney <br />Erickson, Bell, Beckman & Quinn, p,A, <br />1 10 Rosedale Tower <br />1700 West Highway 36 <br />Roseville, M'rnnesota SSi 13 <br />