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MINNESOTA STATUTES 2013 604.42 <br />609.42 BRIBERY. <br />Subdivision 1. Acts constituting. Whoever does any of the fol]owing is guilty of bribery <br />and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than ten years or to payment of a fine of not <br />m�re than $20,000, or both: <br />( i} ofFers, gives, or promises to give, directly or indirectly, to any persan who is a public <br />officer or employee any benefit, reward or consideration to which the person is not legally entitled <br />with intent thereby to influence the person's performance of the powers or duties as such officer <br />or emplo�ee; or <br />(2) being a public officer or employee, requests, receives or agrees ta receive, directly or <br />indrrectly, any such benefit, reward or consideration upon the understanding that it wil] have <br />such an inf3uence; or <br />(3} affers, gives, or promises to give, directly or indirectly any such benefit, reward, or <br />consideration to a person who is a witness or about to Uecome a witness in a proceeding before a <br />judicial or hearing officer, with intent that the person's testimony be influenced thereby, or that the <br />person wi11 nat appear at the proeeeding; or <br />{4} as a person who is, or is about to become such witness requests, receives, or agrees to <br />receive, directly or indirectly, any such benefit, reward, or consideration upan the understanding <br />that the person's testimony will be so influenced, or that the person wi11 not appear at the <br />proceeding; or <br />(5) accepts directly or indirectly a benefit, reward or consideration upon an agreement or <br />understanding, express or implied, that the acceptor will refrain from giving information that may <br />lead ta the prosecution of a crime or purported crime or that the acceptor wili abstain from, <br />drsconti�-�ue, or delay prosecution therefor, except in a case where a comprc�mise is allowed by law, <br />Subd. 2. Forfeiture of office. Any public officer who is convicted of violating or attempting <br />ta violate subdivision 1 shall forfeit the public of�icer's office and be forever disqualifiecl from <br />halding pt�blic office under the state. <br />History: 1963 c 753 art 1 s 609,42; 1976 c 178 s 2; 1984 c 628 crrt 3 s 11; 19&6 c 444 <br />Copyright C� 2013 by the OtT�ice of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All RighEs Reser��ed. <br />