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2016_0210_Ethics Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Ethics Commission
2016_0210_Ethics Packet
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Ethics Commission
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 30, 2015 <br />Page 29 <br />Mayor Roe concurred, noting complaints would be received from the City Man- <br />ager or City Attorney as applicable to pass on to the ultimate decision-maker, still <br />the City Council. <br />Councilmember Etten asked if Mayor Roe still envisioned the Ethics Commission <br />meeting annually to discuss their responsibilities as an educational piece as they <br />understand their role in this situation or how they still functioned within the city. <br />Mayor Roe stated that wasn't a bad idea; and that would provide some orienta- <br />tion, unless that information was provided to commissions ahead of time to de- <br />termine commissioner interest in volunteering for that role. Mayor Roe stated it <br />would need defining what that role was if such a process was undertaken, such as <br />a one-time meeting to get to the basics or mechanics of that role. <br />Councilmember Laliberte stated she envisioned it as something added to the Uni- <br />form Commission Code for annual appointment by each commission to appoint <br />one person to serve in that capacity. <br />Mayor Roe suggested amending the Ethics Commission Code language to address <br />establishment and membership and potential term, but deferred comment on that <br />to staff or the City Attorney as to whether or not the Uniform Commission Code <br />was the appropriate place. <br />Councilmember McGehee stated her agreement with the orientation idea and <br />Councilmember Laliberte's idea whereby each commission packet would define a <br />process with members coming from those various commissions to provide that <br />function, along with a straightforward statement of how the City handled ethics <br />complaints and the process for doing so. Councilmember McGehee opined that <br />an additional benefit would be familiarizing one additional person on each com- <br />mission with ethics issues and the process involved. <br />Mayor Roe agreed that was a good point. <br />Councilmember Willmus stated he was intrigued by the idea and could find no <br />reservations at this time. <br />Mayor Roe suggested the next step would be to direct staff to return with pro- <br />posed code language. <br />City Manager Trudgeon duly noted that directive, requesting additional thought <br />on staff's part in how to translate that intent to code. <br />Without objection, Mayor Roe directed staff to review code language and recom- <br />mend a process telated to the concept of a standing Ethics Committee as outlined. <br />
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