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2017_0719_HRIEC Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
2017_0719_HRIEC Packet
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />June 21, 2017 Draft Minutes <br />Page4 of10 <br />Ms. Olson reported the Community Workshop for the Rice and Larpenteur Gateway Vision Plan <br />was held on June 14 and tonight attheWashington Technology Magnet School. Ms. Laliberte <br />provided the history on this meeting and stated there is a community advisory group represented <br />by each of the communities that meets on a regular basis regarding this process. She directed <br />people to the website for more information. <br />Ms. Olson reported there are two parks that were approved by the City Council to begin the park <br />planning process, with a goal to have a master plan by the end of the year. She will provide the <br />public engagement information when it becomes available. <br />Councilmember Laliberte suggested more detailed information on community engagement <br />efforts be tracked and included on a process spreadsheet. Commissioner Holub stated not <br />everything is relevant to their Commission, and it would be more helpful to know what the City <br />is thinking about doing and working together in defining goals. Councilmember Laliberte <br />suggested they try using a process spreadsheet for a couple of meetings, and if it is not helpful, <br />they do not have to use it. <br />Commissioner Djevi inquired if there was a way for the City to assess how goals are being <br />achieved. Ms. Olson suggested theycreate some type of tracking and remind the City as to why <br />they are doing engagement efforts. Councilmember Laliberte suggested they develop a checklist, <br />and follow through on providing results and next steps with engagement efforts. Also, they will <br />consider holding a workshop on IAP2 Spectrum, which is a tool to help in this process. <br />Commissioner Dailey inquired if each department does an evaluation of its events and suggested <br />they develop some simple forms. Ms. Olson suggested they track their analytics with social <br />media. She is not aware of a standardized process to track community engagement as some <br />events are easier to track than others. Commissioner Holub suggested they discuss next steps <br />regarding tracking with the community engagement list in their work plan. <br />Youth Commissioner Report <br />Youth Commissioner Hansel reported with school ending, the Teens for Human Rights Club <br />completed their final project. On May 4, they taught ninth graders on topics that included human <br />rights basics, Syrian refugee crisis, freedom of speech, and womens rights, and surveyed the <br />kids for future topic ideas. Overall, they taught over 450 students, and hope to expand their <br />teaching to tenth graders next year. <br />Councilmember Laliberte inquired about continuing the book series over the summer. Youth <br />Commissioner Hansel stated she spoke to Youth Commissioner Cederberg, but at the time with <br />confusion on her role with HRIE Commission, she told him it would not continue. <br />Commissioner Groff stated it would be more reasonable to continue next year if there were more <br />Youth Commissioners. <br /> <br />
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