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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
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10/10/2017 3:09:03 PM
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />August 16, 2017 Draft Minutes <br />Page8 of10 <br />Commissioner Groff expressed concern with making sure they do not have a quorum at the <br />meeting. <br />Ms. Olson advised they could also notice it as a standing meeting. <br />Youth Commissioner Report <br />Youth Commissioner Hansel reported the Teens for Human Rights Club at Roseville Area High <br />School is working hard preparing for orientation and the first day of school. They are working on <br />advertising and projects for next year. <br />New Business <br />Commission Groff reported the Karen Organization Minnesota (KOM) will be having their <br />annual Gala on October 12.He inquired if people have participated in the past. <br />Ms. Olson advised she will find out what has been done in the past and email the information to <br />everyone. <br />Commissioner Groff explained KOM is an organization that works with immigrants. <br />Ms. Olson stated MinnPost recently had an article highlighting KOM. <br />Mayor Roe commented if it is a City sponsored event, it may be staff driven. <br />Commissioner Groff suggested Commission members let Ms. Olson know if they want to go. <br />Commissioner Holub suggested at future meetings they ask the public in attendance if they are <br />present for a specific agenda item. They could then rearrange the agenda so they do not make <br />them wait through the entire meeting. She suggested the Chair or Vice Chair ask the public <br />during the agenda approval if they are there for a specific agenda item, and make the appropriate <br />changes. <br />Commissioner Groff agreed. <br />a.Overview and Summary of Consensus Workshop <br />Ms. Olson provided a handout to the Commission. She reportedthey met last night and identified <br />what they want to work on as a Commission in 2017-2018. She explained the columns in pink <br />on the left are the broad topics that summarize the ideas listed in the column on the right. The <br />goal is to take the broad topics, put actions to them, and prioritize them at the next meeting. The <br />broad topics include: 1) Listening to and gathering feedback from all stakeholders in the <br />community; 2) Educate and engage youth; 3) Educate community on pertinent topics/issues; 4) <br /> <br />
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