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Attachment A <br />Discussion III <br />MAY 3-4, 2017 | Marquita Stephens, Facilitator <br />T <br />Imagine Roseville <br />he City of Roseville along with <br />- <br />discussion, Community Aspi- <br />the Roseville Area Schools, com- <br />rations and Immigration, was <br />mission members, residents and <br />held over two nights at Roseville <br />others began hosting a series of <br />Area High School on May 3 and <br />the Roseville Skating Center on <br />discussions grew out of a tragic shooting <br />May 4, 2017. <br />Background <br />that occurred near Rosevilles border and <br />its impact on students in the Roseville Area <br />At the December 1, 2016, second Imagine <br />School District, and subsequent media at- <br />Roseville community meeting, approxi- <br />tention, as well as conversations happening <br />mately 70 residents gathered to recommend <br />locally and nationally surrounding police <br />a course of action as a follow-up to the <br />and community relations. <br />Community Conversations held earlier <br />Imagine Roseville, the title of the Citys <br />in the year in the aftermath of the Philan- <br />do Castile shooting. Eight questions were <br />a community engagement mechanism <br />presented and residents were encouraged to <br />through a series of discussions to ensure <br />choose the one most mirroring their area of <br />Roseville is a community where people <br />make connections amidst changing demo- <br />question 5. <br />could lead to various actions or to nothing <br />5.Social Issues5.Social Issues <br />e recent election has created a platform <br />zens involved and reported publicly, which <br />for the discussion of race, racism, bias,for the discussion of race, racism, bias, <br />allows the engagement of others. <br />prejudice, white supremacy, homophobiaprejudice, white supremacy, homophobia <br />In October 2016, community members <br />and xenophobia. Election rhetoric aboutand xenophobia. Election rhetoric about <br />deportation of people due to religiousdeportation of people due to religious <br />ville event/conversation to discuss how to <br />practices or about being in the U.S.practices or about being in the U.S. <br />address the needs of the community in the <br />illegally has created tension among someillegally has created tension among some <br />citizens and emboldened others.citizens and emboldened others. <br />the question How do we build ourselves as <br />What course of action should we take, as What course of action should we take, as <br />ognized the changing demographics seen <br />a community and as individual neigh-a community and as individual neigh <br />most handily in our schools. Participants <br />- <br />bors, to address these fears and tensions bors, to address these fears and tensions <br />also encouraged the city to make Roseville a <br />to insure forward movement in our ongo-to insure forward movement in our ongo <br />leader and model for communities in being <br />- <br />ing development as a multicultural city?ing development as a multicultural city? <br />a desire to get ahead of any impact changes <br />may bring. <br />| 1 <br /> <br />