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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 25, 2017 <br /> Page 19 <br /> As a former resident of Shanghai, China, and currently on the faculty at the Uni- <br /> versity of Minnesota familiar with the programs and students from the University <br /> of Northwestern, Ms. Yu Yi spoke to the need for ongoing partnerships and <br /> friendships in the international arena; providing a synopsis of her personal posi- <br /> tive experiences and involvement with the City of Roseville and University of <br /> Northwestern. Ms. Yu Yi spoke in support of the requested PUD amendment. <br /> Linda Ashworth,2583 Dellwood Avenue <br /> In observing tonight's meeting so far, Ms. Ashworth expressed her appreciation in <br /> viewing firsthand how well the city was being managed and how enlightening the <br /> budget process had been for her. <br /> As the wife of an alumni, and mother of a daughter currently a student of the Uni- <br /> versity of Northwestern, Ms. Ashworth noted the ties her family had with her <br /> husband formerly serving as a Professor at the school, and currently serving at the <br /> University of Minnesota, and their background speaking to the importance and <br /> value of engineering, computer science, biology, nursing and biomedical indus- <br /> tries and keeping them close to this area, and the high demand of these students <br /> nationwide, including providing an opportunity for the community to bring in <br /> new, highly-skilled employees bringing a variety of assets to the area. Ms. Ash- <br /> worth spoke in support of the requested PUD amendment to provide the needed <br /> lab space to retain their excellent standards to well-equip these students; asking <br /> the City Council to think about the impacts of their decision over time and into <br /> the future in this ever-changing industry. <br /> Timothy Callaghan, 3062 Shorewood Lane <br /> Written comments also provided via emails dated August 11 and 12, and Septem- <br /> ber 12, 2017. <br /> As provided in written comments, Mr. Callaghan expounded on the original pur- <br /> pose of the Centre Pointe tax increment financing district and tax gains now just <br /> being realized from that public financing tool, with the school now seeking yet <br /> another tax exempt property, negating any benefits to the city and its taxpayers. <br /> Mr. Callaghan asked for clarification on the total limit of staff and students using <br /> this building; the number of parking spaces and resolution if and when they ex- <br /> ceed that limit, whether students paid for on-campus parking that may be creating <br /> on-street parking issues for the city, whether any of the projected students would <br /> take classes between the building(s) and/or campus that may create yet additional <br /> issues with traffic and parking along Lydia Avenue, and how and when the an- <br /> nouncement was noticed about the community meeting since he hadn't received <br /> any notification even though he isn't an immediate neighbor. <br /> Jerry Beilby, 3010 Fairview Avenue N <br /> Written comments also provided via email dated August 28, 2017. <br /> Mr. Beilby thanked the City Council for their service to the community, and the <br /> many recent improvements made, including the bike paths around Central park <br />