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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 23,2017 <br /> Page 6 <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Chair Holub clarified that the HRIEC <br /> does not currently have a representative on the Southeast Roseville Working <br /> Group since they're not currently meeting, but that former Human Rights Com- <br /> mission(HRC) Chair Wayne Groff had served in that capacity in the past. <br /> Regarding the HRIEC monitoring other commissions, Councilmember Etten not- <br /> ed the City Council's reliance on the future agenda reports provided by admin- <br /> istration, typically 1-2 months out, as a way for them to keep aware of upcoming <br /> items on the City Council's agenda. Councilmember Etten suggested that the <br /> City Manager or his staff could send a copy of that to the Chair or Vice Chair of <br /> the HRIEC as a tool for long-term planning. While not all agenda items went <br /> through that process, Councilmember Etten suggested that may help in their <br /> monitoring of issues coming before the city. However, as far as the HRIEC ob- <br /> serving or monitoring other commissions, Councilmember Etten stated that he <br /> was uncomfortable in reading that as part of the work plan and also how the <br /> HRIEC could realistically achieve that objective. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked how things were moved off the "parking lot" or how <br /> their status was reviewed; with Chair Holub responding that those items were <br /> grouped and would be moved forward if and when feasible or removed depending <br /> on feedback tonight, as well as how things evolved over time. <br /> Speaking for the "parking lot" items identified as "RAHS and Teens for Human <br /> Rights Club Partnership, Councilmember Etten referenced his knowledge of some <br /> of the great work to-date with those efforts, and suggested the HRIEC youth <br /> commissioners provide a natural connection and multi-generational look at issues <br /> the HRIEC was dealing with and different points of life. Councilmember Etten <br /> stated his interest in advocating that this specific item be moved to another of the <br /> active objectives. <br /> Councilmember Willmus also welcomed HRIEC commissioners and thanked <br /> them for their work in drafting this work plan to facilitate tonight's discussion. <br /> However, Councilmember Willmus stated that his first impression had been simi- <br /> lar to that of Councilmember McGehee: that it was too ambitious, causing him to <br /> question how the HRIEC could accomplish these things. Therefore, Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus stated that he wanted to highlight areas he thought the <br /> HRIEC should focus on, but also offered to listen to further priority items on the <br /> list or items that would be realistically attainable by the HRIEC in a given year. <br /> For the "engage" objective, Councilmember Willmus stated the importance to <br /> him of this goal as part of the former HRC when it ultimately started to spin off to <br /> the then newly-created Community Engagement Commission (CEC). Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus offered his agreement with the first three engagement items, <br /> and even though he was initially supportive of the photo project when it was first <br /> put forward, when considering it deeper, he was concerned about how it would <br /> work logistically. If it can still work, Councilmember Willmus stated that he was <br />
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