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12/8/2017 11:34:25 AM
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12/8/2017 11:33:03 AM
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3. Develop pathways around every lake, to and in every park and open space. <br />3.1. Pathway development around lakes will be designed to provide, at minimum, views to the <br />lake. <br />3.2. Bodies of water not defined as lakes shall have pathways when they fit into the overall <br />pathways system. <br />3.3. Pathways in parks and open spaces will be developed consistent with their individual park <br />master plans. <br />4. Provide and designate pathways for winter activities where appropriate. <br />4.1. Cross-country and snowshoe locations will be designated on a separate brochure. <br />4.2. Snowmobiles and other unauthorized motorized vehicles will not be allowed on off-road <br />pathways <br />5. Develop destination trail loops for exercisers. <br />5.1. Loop pathways will be designated, measured and signed. <br />5.2. Where possible, develop pathway loops that are unbroken by street crossings and other <br />obstructions. <br />6. Develop a pathways system that is accessible from all areas of the city. <br />6.1. The pathways system will be designed to provide an unobstructed connection no further <br />than 1/4 mile to a pathway from any given property. <br />CONNECTION <br />Provide a safe network of pathway linkages for pedestrians and cyclists to and between <br />educational facilities, churches, business centers, transit stops, parks and open space. <br />7.1. Business centers shall have pathways connecting to the public pathway network. <br />7.2. Schools shall have off- road connections to the pathways network. <br />7.3. Parks, open space and transit stops shall have a pathway connecting them to the pathways <br />network. <br />7.4. Include school property for possible pathway loops and linkages to the greater pathways <br />network. <br />7.5. Provide public access to school facilities/grounds (i.e. running track) <br />8. Provide access around/through major obstacles. <br />8.1. Major obstacles include Highway 36, Snelling Avenue and Highway 35W. <br />8.2. When bridge reconstruction takes place, light traffic accommodations shall be integrated <br />into the design. <br />8.3. Connections across major obstacles shall be at controlled intersections or be grade <br />separated. <br />9. Provide pathway linkages for light traffic to the regional pathway system. <br />9.1. To complete major linkages to the regional pathway system; utilize bridges and tunnels to <br />City of Roseville Pathway Master Plan <br />September 2008 Page 19 of 39 <br />
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