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Last modified
12/8/2017 11:34:25 AM
Creation date
12/8/2017 11:33:03 AM
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Public Works Commission
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79 Central Park East ball fields has one recycling container north of the parking lot. <br />80 Mr. Culver stated there should be a least one recycling cart near the pavilion. <br />81 <br />82 Member Seigler stated there is a lot going on near Walmart. Mr. Culver commented <br />83 there is going to be one more multiple tenant retail building and it is nice to see that <br />84 area being developed. In response to a question from the Commission, he confirmed <br />85 that Calyxt is planning to go public and still plans to build their headquarters in <br />86 Roseville. <br />87 <br />88 5. Overview of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) <br />89 Director of Public Works Culver introduced Jeanne Kelsey, Housing and Economic <br />90 Development Program Manager for the City and the Economic Development <br />91 Authority (EDA). <br />92 <br />93 Ms. Kelsey showed a video from the State Auditor's office that explained how TIF <br />94 works. She stated they have to submit documentation annually about their receipts <br />95 to the State Auditor's Office until they are decertified. The average TIF district can <br />96 go up to 25 years and are regulated by how much TIF funding a project needs. Any <br />97 project must prove financial assistance is needed in order to receive it. She <br />98 explained four types of districts the City has utilized: Housing, Economic <br />99 Development, Redevelopment, and Environmental (Soils Condition). <br />100 <br />101 PWETC Questions <br />102 Member Seigler inquired how a company gets paid back from TIF financing for a <br />103 project. Ms. Kelsey explained the City requires a pay as you go TIF and it can <br />104 happen in two different ways: 1) The Developer can get a loan based upon the <br />105 valuation based on the increment over that period of time, and then the increment <br />106 is given back to them; or, 2) The City establishes it, puts the financing in place, and <br />107 pays itself back out of the increment. If the increment is higher than the loan, it will <br />108 be used to pay off the debt sooner and it can be decertified sooner. <br />109 <br />110 Member Seigler inquired about the $772,000 balance of Garden Station. Ms. <br />111 Kelsey explained prior to 1990, TIF districts were able to be modified. However, <br />112 because this ended up meeting TIF District 12, they were able to make an <br />113 amendment to include the Garden Station in that TIF plan and then allocate funds <br />114 for the demolition and acquisition of the site. Some of the fund balances represent <br />115 real cash sitting in an account. <br />116 <br />117 Regarding TIF #17 for Twin Lakes, Ms. Kelsey explained the City had to make <br />118 sure they covered the obligations over a 25 -year period of time. The City had a <br />119 bond for $4,306,630, there will not be any increment excess until it is paid off, and <br />120 they are not available funds. <br />121 <br />122 Ms. Kelsey commented if a TIF district's tax value is frozen and after five years <br />123 the values go up or down, the tax value remains at what it originally was before it <br />124 was redeveloped. When a district is taken off the tax roll, the County, school district <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />
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