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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
12/8/2017 2:12:49 PM
Creation date
12/8/2017 1:47:38 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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351 Member Seigler referred to the definition on the first page for bicycle lane. It uses <br />352 the terms physical barrier, striping and pavement markers, and he suggested they <br />353 use these terms. <br />354 <br />355 After discussion, the Commission agreed to have it changed to, "Significant space, <br />356 barriers, or delineations shall be provided between pathways and conflicting <br />357 adjacent uses." <br />358 <br />359 Item 14.2 Staff will develop and use a checklist to aid in the plan review that shall <br />360 be required to complete prior to approval. <br />361 Mr. Culver commented they do not have a formal checklist specific to the Pathway <br />362 Master Plan for all of the new and renovated public and private projects. They do <br />363 have an overall development checklist that that addresses sidewalks, but it needs to <br />364 be reviewed. <br />365 <br />366 After discussion, the Commission agreed to have it changed to, "Staff will use a <br />367 checklist to aid in the plan review that shall be required to complete prior to <br />368 approval." <br />369 <br />370 Item 18.2. Per City Code, all property owners except taxable properties zoned R-1 <br />371 or R-2, are required to clear snow from "non-motorized pathways" within 12 hours <br />372 after snow and ice have ceased to be deposited thereon." (City Code 407.03). <br />373 Mr. Culver stated the City Code includes additional wording they may need to add. <br />374 The intent is that all residential properties zoned R-1 or R-2 do not have to clear the <br />375 snow off of a City sidewalk because the City will take care of it. All other non- <br />376 single family residential uses are required to clear the snow off of adjacent <br />377 pathways within 12 hours. <br />378 <br />379 Item 19.3. City will replace or repair mailboxes on City streets damaged by direct <br />380 contact with snow emergencv machinerv. <br />381 Mr. Culver explained they will not replace mailboxes on County roads. They will <br />382 only replace mailboxes on City roads if the snow plow hits the mailbox directly, <br />383 but not if the snow knocks it down. <br />384 <br />385 Member Misra inquired why the City will not replace a mailbox if the snow knocks <br />386 it down. <br />387 <br />388 Mr. Culver stated when they are plowing the snow and going at a reasonable speed, <br />389 they cannot control where the snow goes. <br />390 <br />391 Item 20.2. The Plan should be reevaluated once every three years. <br />392 Mr. Hingeveld stated it used to say every ten years, but that has changed. <br />393 <br />394 Chair Cihacek commented evaluation of the plan once every three years coincides <br />395 with new Commissioner terms. <br />396 <br />Page 9 of 14 <br />
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