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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,November 6, 2017 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Willmus moved, Laliberte seconded, REJECTION of the Settlement Agree- <br /> ment (Attachment A) with Dorso Building Company, LLP and Interveners <br /> for a period of five years as presented. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated that she shared similar concerns to those of <br /> Councilmember Willmus, and in assuming another five years would resolve those <br /> issues, didn't agree that the agreement provided for that. While recognizing as- <br /> surances from the City Attorney, Councilmember Laliberte opined that this would <br /> continue to drag out and may prove beneficial to letting the litigation proceed at <br /> this point. <br /> While not saying she disagreed with Councilmember Laliberte, Councilmember <br /> McGehee noted the city's loss of some significant lawsuits in the recent past; and <br /> therefore, would like those issues put before the council to understand potential <br /> costs for this loss in addition to understand those previous losses. <br /> Mayor Roe referenced the points made by City Manager Trudgeon and City At- <br /> torney Gaughan in the lawsuit that Dorso contends that the property can continue <br /> its existing non-conforming use; and noted that no one can predict how that may <br /> come out in the lawsuit. Mayor Roe agreed with the City Attorney's recommen- <br /> dation that the settlement agreement may be the way to get resolution at less cost <br /> to the city. Mayor Roe reiterated that it was entirely possible that at the end of <br /> another possible two years of litigation, the court ruling may be to grant a five <br /> year Interim Use (IU) as a possibility, with still more time involved in reaching <br /> the same conclusion this agreement provided. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that it seemed that to Dorso's position with the <br /> non-conforming use being permitted, the city did have a history of allowing non- <br /> confirming use to continue on the property and by not enforcing it sooner, had po- <br /> tentially strengthened Dorso's position in court. Before rejecting this settlement <br /> agreement, Councilmember McGehee stated that she'd need to hear more prece- <br /> dents for similar case law. <br /> Based on state statute standards, Mayor Roe noted that the time frame of one year <br /> of no longer continuing an existing legal, non-conforming use before losing that <br /> designation was the essence of the argument between the city and Dorso. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated that he didn't disagree with concerns expressed by <br /> the public and/or his colleagues; and agreed with Councilmember McGehee that <br /> previous City Council discussions in Closed Executive Session had sought for <br /> stronger language. However, Councilmember Etten stated that he leaned toward <br /> staff's and City Attorney Gaughan's recommendation for the settlement agree- <br /> ment being the surest way to move forward with this property. Councilmember <br /> Etten read some of the provisions included in the agreement (e.g. fencing and <br /> trailers moved in accordance with the Fire Marshal and architectural drawing as <br />