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Lake Owasso Task Force <br />11/13/96 minutes <br />attending: Deane Anklan, Peggy Egli, John Gramer, Sheila Prak, Jim Stark, Jim Vanous, Betty <br />Wolfangle, Gary Wood, Steve North <br />guest: Dick Fowler, president, Lake Owasto Hoineowtier's Association <br />chair: Gary Wood <br />1. A�proval of m'n te rom 10/ 0/96 <br />clarzfication: The Reiling property discussed on 10/30/96 is located an Victoria Ave (BV�. <br />Minutes were unanimously approved with this addition. Members had no objection to tape <br />recording future meetings, per Egli's request. <br />2. Panel discussion on environmental issuec <br />None of the environmenta,l panel guests invited for 11/13 were rresent due to schedule <br />conflicts and illness. Jeff Roessler chase not to attend but will share his written opinions on <br />some questions and provide materials from the Grass Lake Water Management Organization. <br />The environmental panel meeting was rescheduled for 12/18/96. Peterson, Noonan, and <br />Musielwiez will be re-invited by North, the questions will be sent again, and panelists will be <br />assured the questions are a discussion guide and may not all be answerable. North will reword <br />the last question to indicate that an extensive list of resource materials is unnecessary. <br />Otiier panelists for 12I18 will also be sought: Steve North will ask Karl Keel and/or SEH <br />Enginaering (GLWMO consultants) to identify a guest from SEH; Jim Stark will invite an expert <br />in aquatic biology from USGS. <br />Dick Fowler presented Don Meyer's Secchi disc (SD) data for 1983-1995. Since 1983, the <br />annual mean water clarity has increased frorn about 4' to 10'; the data are similar to other lakes in <br />this ecoregion (4.9 - 10.5'). Improvernent may be due to lake weed contral, less use of P <br />fertilizers, better erosion control, and watershed projects at Charlie pond, Ladyslipper park, and <br />Bennett Lake during this time. SD readings are taken near Meyer's home on Owasso Heights Dr.; <br />5D readings in the SW end are expected to be lower. <br />Mr. Fowler explained that the Lake Association's object is to improva the environmental <br />health of tlie lake and to create an enjoyable ahnosphere for persons utilizing the lake for <br />recreational pursuits. It does not favor any particular type of use. Association mailings go to all <br />lakeshore residents, plus any off-lake members. <br />Chemical weed control has opened up much lake area siace the 1950's. Ramsey county <br />stopped cantributing to weed control for private lakeshore in 1995 but still pays for control by <br />the Owasso home and county beach, plus 10 acres in the middle as needed. Purple loosestrife is <br />a serious and increasing problem at the SW end and along Victoria and W. Owasso (BV�. The <br />DNR sprayed soine loosestrife along W Owasso in 1995 (N). Ratnsey county will help control <br />exotics; Mr. Noonan may have information and county commissioner Dick Wedell has expressed <br />support (DF). Other potential funding might cotne from the state or the Metropolitan council. <br />T'he task force thanked Dick Fowler for his participation on short notice. <br />3. O her bu 'ne . <br />North distributed the list of safety/regulatory questions to the task force. As noted above, <br />the questions convey tlie topic� on which we need infonnation and are to provoke thought, and <br />the final question needs rewording. <br />