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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />CHANCES 1N FUND BALANCES OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />Last Ten Fiscal Years <br />(modif"ied accrual basis of accounting) <br />(amounts eapressed in thousands) <br />Revenues <br />Taxes <br />Intcrgovcrnmcntal <br />Liccnscs and perinits <br />Charges for services <br />Fines and forfeits <br />Special assessments <br />Investtnent earnings <br />Miscellaneous <br />Total revenues <br />Expenditures <br />General goveinment <br />Public safety <br />Public works <br />Economic development <br />Recreation <br />Capital outlay <br />Debt service <br />Principal <br />Interest <br />Other Charges <br />Total expenditures <br />Excessofrevenues <br />over (under) expenditures <br />Other financing sources (uses) <br />Transfers in <br />Transfers out <br />Refunding bonds issued <br />Discount on bonds issued <br />Bonc3s issued <br />Premium on bonds issued <br />Payments to refunded bond escrow agent <br />Proceeds from letter of credit <br />Sale of assets <br />Total other fmancing sources (uses) <br />Net change in fund balances <br />Debt service as a percentage of noncapital <br />expenditures <br />Table 5 <br />(Page 2 of 2) <br />Unaudited <br />Fiscal Year <br />ZO12 2013 2014 2015 2016 <br />$ 17,462 $ 18,844 $ 19,962 $ 20,042 $ 22,235 <br />2,995 1,880 1,523 3,515 3,381 <br />1,532 1,630 1,514 1,755 2,414 <br />5,248 5,665 4,743 5,188 5,888 <br />314 237 205 136 107 <br />308 179 214 171 302 <br />326 280 444 661 (132) <br />804 980 2,450 1,204 1,168 <br />28,989 29,695 31,055 32,672 35,363 <br />$ 4,821 $ 5,651 $ 5,339 $ 5,752 $ 6,822 <br />8,780 9,111 9,353 9,683 10,086 <br />2,183 2,334 2,397 2,488 2,499 <br />1,052 1,017 1,280 1,114 4,602 <br />3,688 3,808 4,070 4,617 4,380 <br />6,996 10,155 14,098 10,552 9,822 <br />1,435 1,230 6,355 2,595 2,660 <br />509 925 990 877 849 <br />118 83 - <br />29,582 34,314 43,882 37,678 41,720 <br />(593) (4,619) (12,827) (5,00� (6,357) <br />$ 257 $ 75 $ 1,001 $ 1,419 $ 2,579 <br />�23�� �so� �2i9� �6s�> ��,��4� <br />- - - 3,060 - <br />] ,445 194 - 18C - <br />]5,685 3,980 - - - <br />31 210 27 531 l73 <br />17,187 4,409 309 4,559 97S <br />$ 16,593 $ (210) $ (12,018) $ (447) $ (5,379) <br />8.61% 8.92% 24.66% 12.80% 11.00% <br />(1) <br />117 <br />