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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />BALANCESHEET <br />GOVERNMENTALFUN�S <br />December 31, 2016 <br />ASSETS <br />Cash and investments <br />Restricted investments <br />Cash held in escrow <br />Investmentinterestreceivable <br />Accounts receivable <br />Taxes receivable <br />Special assessments receivable <br />Due from other governments <br />Notes receivable <br />Prepaid items <br />TOTALASSETS <br />Capital Projects <br />Ecanamic <br />Revolving Increments Street <br />Improvements Constructian Construction <br />Statement 3 <br />(Page 2 of 2) <br />Other Total <br />Governmental Governmental <br />Funds Funds <br />$202,954 7,512,903 9,405,001 5,49Q945 44,983,286 <br />- - - 665,848 665,848 <br />16,741 15,258 2Q413 12,299 93,940 <br />21,435 - 105,370 343,894 765,726 <br />56,777 115,915 9,746 10,687 714,015 <br />- - 860,520 5,224 1,076,747 <br />- - - 152,029 168,350 <br />- - - 902,519 1,967,507 <br />- - - - 82,641 <br />8,297,907 7,644,076 10,401,050 7,583,445 50,518,060 <br />LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF <br />RESOURCES AND FUND BALANCES <br />Liabilities <br />Accounts payable 72,512 320,773 7,414 62,563 926,853 <br />Accrued payroll - - - 59,190 4D2,144 <br />Contracts and retention payable 394,829 627,360 180,017 - 1,202,206 <br />Duetoothergovemmentalunits - - 259 475,473 1,834,413 <br />Deposits payable - - - 5,000 73$410 <br />Total Liabilities 467,341 94$133 187,690 602,226 5,1D4,026 <br />Deferred Inflows of Resources <br />Unavailable Revenue- propertytaxes 24,823 109,940 4,261 6,087 372,845 <br />UnavailableRevenue-specialassessments - - 854,638 2,120 1,058,234 <br />Total Deferred Inflows of Resoures 24,823 109,940 858,699 8,207 1,431,079 <br />Fund Balance <br />Nonspendable - - - 409,457 49Q798 <br />Restricted <br />Law Enforcement - - - - 446,436 <br />Telecommunications - - - 436,616 436,616 <br />Lawful Gambling - - - 81,118 81,118 <br />Community Development - - - - 1,759,272 <br />Park Dedication 1,373,738 - - - 1,373,738 <br />Tax Increment - 6,586,003 - - 6,586,003 <br />Debt Service - - - - 2,693,499 <br />Bond Funded Capital Improvements 2,902,068 - - - 2,902,068 <br />Housing antl Economic Development - - - 827,821 827,821 <br />Committed <br />Parks and Recreation Programs and Maintenance - - - - 1,637,111 <br />LicenseCenterlmprovements - - - 1,172,926 1,172,926 <br />Equipment Replacement - - - 1,041,002 1,041,002 <br />Street Replacement - - 9,354,461 - 9,354,461 <br />Assigned <br />Engineenng Services - - - - 772,697 <br />Accounting Service - - - - 17,319 <br />Capital Projects 3,529,937 - - - 3,529,937 <br />Housing and Economic Development - - 3,004,072 3,004,072 <br />Unassigned - - - - 5,856,061 <br />Total Fund Balances 7,805,743 6,586,003 9,354,461 6,973,012 43,982,955 <br />TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF <br />RESOURCESANDFUNDBALANCES 8,297,907 7,644,076 1Q401,050 7,583,445 5Q518,060 <br />Capital assets (net of depreciation) used in governmental activities and are not financial resources and therefore, are not reported in the funds. 146,696,875 <br />Long term liabilities including bonds payable, are not due and payable in the current period and therefore, are not reported in the funds. (63,081,934) <br />Internal service funds are used by management to charge the cost of insurance to individual funds. 2,624,517 <br />Other long term assets are not available to pay for current-period expenditures and, therefore, are deferred or are not reported in the funds. 4,581,601 <br />Governmental funds do not report long term amounts related to pensions <br />Deferred outflow of resources 19,411,015 <br />Deferred inflow of resources (3,791,067) <br />Net position of govemmental activities $ 150,423,962 <br />The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. <br />31 <br />