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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION <br />SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET AND ACTUAL <br />GENERALFUND <br />For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31. 2016 <br />REVENUES <br />Taxes <br />General property taxes <br />Licenses and permits <br />Intergovernmental revenue <br />Charges for services <br />Fines and forfeits <br />Donations <br />Investment income <br />Interest earned on investments <br />Increase (decrease) in fair value of investments <br />Miscellaneous Revenue <br />Budgeted Amounts <br />Original Final <br />10,771,905 10,771,905 <br />443,500 443,500 <br />919,000 919,000 <br />288,730 288,730 <br />240,000 240,000 <br />35,000 <br />62,500 <br />35,000 <br />62,500 <br />Actual <br />Amounts <br />11,919,681 <br />484,004 <br />1,213,476 <br />535,975 <br />107,229 <br />15,705 <br />98,187 <br />(136,768) <br />57,894 <br />Schedule 1 <br />(Page 1 of 1) <br />Variance With <br />Final Budget <br />1,147,776 <br />40,504 <br />294,476 <br />247,245 <br />(132,771) <br />15,705 <br />63,187 <br />(136,768) <br />(4,606) <br />Total Revenues 12,76Q635 12,76Q635 14,295,383 1,534,748 <br />EXPENDITURES <br />Current <br />General government 2,550,375 2,550,375 2,560,587 (10,212) <br />Publicsafety 9,220,485 9,220,485 9,229,332 (8,847) <br />Public works 2,588,575 2,588,575 2,238,271 35Q304 <br />Total Expenditures 14,359,435 14,359,435 14,028,190 331,245 <br />Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue Over (Under) Expentlitures (1,598,800) (1,598,800) 267,193 1,865,993 <br />OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) <br />Transfers In 1,148,000 1,148,000 1,164,000 16,000 <br />Sale of Capital Assets - - 3,351 3,351 <br />Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 1,148,000 1,148,000 937,351 (210,649) <br />Net Change in Fund Balance (45Q800) (450,800) 1,204,544 1,655,344 <br />FUND BALANCE, January 1 5,968,686 5,968,686 5,968,686 - <br />FUND BALANCE, December 31 5,517,886 5,517,886 7,173,230 1,655,344 <br />The notes to the required supplementary information are an integral part of this statement. <br />:1 <br />