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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />REQUIRED SUPPLEMENATRY INFORMATION <br />SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN NET PENSION LIABILITY <br />AND RELATED RATIOS- FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION <br />For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2016 <br />Schedule 9 <br />(Page 1 of 1) <br />2016 2015 2014 <br />Total Pension Liability (TPL, actuarial accrued liability) <br />Service cost $ 85,626 $ 69,632 $ 67,768 <br />]nterest 525,989 509,635 508,985 <br />Differences between expected and actual experience (389,429) - - <br />Changes of assumptions (492,447) 213,856 - <br />Changes of benefit terms - - <br />Benefitpayments, including membex contributions (569,784) (563,896) (574,072) <br />Net change in total pension liabiliry (840,045) 229,227 2,681 <br />Total Pension Liability - beginning of year <br />Total Pension Liability - end of year <br />7,991,694 7,762,467 7,759,786 <br />$ 7,151,649 $ 7,991,694 $ 7,762,467 <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position (FNP, assets) <br />Contributions - State and local $ <br />Contributions - donations and other income <br />Contribations - members <br />Net investment income <br />Other additions (e.g. receivables) <br />Benefit payments, including member contributions <br />Administrative expense <br />Other deductions (e.g. payables) <br />Net change in plan fiduciary net position <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position - beginning of year <br />221,324 $ <br />846,802 <br />(569,784) <br />�25,100� <br />473,242 <br />9,828,926 <br />220,012 $ <br />22,193 <br />(563,896) <br />(20,569) <br />(342,260) <br />10,171,186 <br />341,617 <br />882,050 <br />(574,072) <br />(23,479) <br />626,116 <br />9,545,070 <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position - end of year $ 10,302,168 $ 9,828,926 $ 10,171,186 <br />Net Pension Liability (NPL) - end of year $ (3,150,522) $ (1,837,232) $ (2,408,719) <br />Plan Fiduciary Net Position (FNP, assets) 144.05% 122.99% 131.03% <br />The City implemented the Provisions of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 68 <br />for the year ended December 31, 2015. The schedules within the Required Supplementary Information <br />Section required a ten year presentation, but does not require retroactive reporting. Information prior to <br />2014 is not available. <br />:: <br />