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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES <br />NONMAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS <br />For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2016 <br />REVENUES <br />Taxes <br />Licenses and permits <br />Gambling taxes <br />Charges for services <br />Cable franchise taxes <br />Donations <br />Investment income <br />Interest earned on investments <br />Increase (decrease) in fair value of investments <br />Miscellaneous Revenue <br />Total Revenues <br />EXPENDITURES <br />Current <br />General Government <br />Economic development <br />Capital outlay <br />Total Expenditures <br />Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over <br />(Under) Expenditures <br />OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) <br />Transfers In <br />Transfers Out <br />Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Net Change in Fund Balances <br />FUND BALANCES, January 1, as restated (Note 6) <br />FUND BALANCES, December31 <br />Statement 11 <br />(Page 1 of 1) <br />Roseville Total <br />Economic Nonmajor <br />Information Tele- License Charitable Development Special <br />Technology Communications Center Gambling Authority Revenue Funds <br />257,021 <br />1,465,222 <br />12,859 <br />(16,288) <br />478,631 <br />2,197,445 <br />449,920 <br />- 200 <br />- 93,815 <br />1,700,073 - <br />- 110,017 <br />4,978 20,763 1,267 <br />(5,869) (25,729) (1,530) <br />449,029 1,695,107 203,769 <br />14,290 <br />55,495 <br />(59,124) <br />17,156 <br />27,817 <br />271,311 <br />200 <br />93, 815 <br />3,165, 295 <br />449,920 <br />110,017 <br />95,362 <br />(108,540) <br />495, 787 <br />4,573,167 <br />2,063,106 464,766 1,344,084 165,266 - 4,037,222 <br />- - - - 331,451 331,451 <br />62,639 - - - 5,581 68,220 <br />2,125,745 464,766 1,344,084 165,266 337,032 4,436,893 <br />71,700 (15,737) 351,023 38,503 (309,215) 136,274 <br />125,000 - - - - 125,000 <br />- (17,000) (422,000) - - (439,000) <br />125,000 (17,000) (422,000) - - (314,000) <br />196,700 (32,737) (70,977) 38,503 (309,215) (177,726) <br />844,302 469,353 1,243,903 42,615 4,550,565 7,150,738 <br />1,041,002 436,616 1,172,926 81,118 4,241,350 6,973,012 <br />93 <br />