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�xpenses <br />Goveinmenlal activities: <br />General �overnment <br />Public safety <br />Public works <br />Parks and recreation <br />Economic developmeot <br />Interest on longlerru debl <br />Total govexnmental activi4ies expenses <br />Business-type activi4ies: <br />Sewer <br />Water <br />Gnlf <br />Recyclin* <br />Stmm Drainage <br />Total bu�cineae-type acti��ities expen�eee <br />Tolal primary government expenses <br />Program Revermes <br />Governmental ttcrivities: <br />Chaiges foi senices: <br />Cenernl govermnent <br />Public safety <br />Parks and recrention <br />011�ei aetivities <br />Operatlno grants end con7ibutions <br />Capilal �ants and contributions <br />Total goveinmenlal activities pxogram xevenues <br />Business-type activi4ies: <br />Char�es for Services: <br />Sewer <br />Water <br />Golf <br />Recydiog <br />Storm Drainage <br />Operating grants and conhibotions <br />Capital granls and conlribuGons <br />Total business-lype ac4icities progcam revenues <br />Total primary government program recenues <br />Net(expenae)Revenoe <br />Governmental activiGes <br />Bueinece-type activitiec <br />Total primary government neL expense <br />General Revenues and Otl�er Clianges in Net Assets <br />Governmentnl xchvities: <br />Ta�es <br />Pr�perty t�ixes <br />Tax inerements <br />Cnble franchise t�es <br />GamUling laxes <br />Grnnts und contribatlons nnt reshicted to epuifie progrum� <br />Uniesuicl�d investment earnings <br />Miscellaneous <br />Uniesuicted net increase (decxease) in lhe faii value of Inveslments <br />Transfers <br />Total �ovemmentel activities <br />Buei�ess-type activities: <br />Unreslrioted inveslruenl earnings <br />Gain oo sale of capital aesets <br />Translers <br />Total business-lype ac4icities <br />Total primary government <br />Change in Net Position <br />Governmental activiGes <br />Bueinece-type activitiec <br />Total primary government <br />City of Roseville <br />Changes In Net Position <br />Last Ten Fiscal Years <br />(accrual basis of accounting) <br />(amounts expressed in whole dollars) <br />2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 <br />$ 3,3R6,3(6 $ 3,275,084 � 3,664,716 $ 3,R3QR14 $ 4,283,715 � 5,150,773 <br />8.002A18 6,987,914 7,147,499 8,296,894 8,007,678 8.16L100 <br />3,78Q323 4,084,363 4,716,950 4,604,463 4,730,546 4,470,530 <br />4A55,505 3,946A34 4,210,261 4,38Q187 4,935,218 4,770,793 <br />],954,643 1,85fi,151 1,931,016 2,469,236 2,337,776 1,742,174 <br />604.523 509,484 427191 400.498 392,527 508,970 <br />21,783176 ?0,599,030 22,097,663 23.982.082 24.677,460 24,804,640 <br />3,HOh,813 2,750,350 3,113,373 3,035,274 3,504,577 3,53Q566 <br />3,938,498 4,235,357 4,410178 4,739,327 4,881,489 5,399,949 <br />352,023 333,832 347,753 354,318 344,445 318,890 <br />?99,456 346,035 366,769 443,984 467,847 499,501 <br />805,366 796,605 RSft,746 R2(,297 707,fi75 85Q575 <br />8,?0?,156 8,4C3,179 9,D95,315 9,399,200 9906,D33 1Q589,451 <br />$ 29985332 $ 29,061,209 $ 31.192,881 $ 33,381,282 $ 34,583,493 $35,394,121 <br />$ 3; 96,913 $ 2,141,43R $ 3,377,743 $ 2,700,261 $ 3,445,3R9 $ 2,R69,646 <br />1,088,309 1,585,436 565,337 566.899 549,931 1,454.107 <br />],549,705 2,21Q202 1,946,946 1,936,806 1,765,969 1,917,605 <br />4�y,119 33x,795 1,933,iS4y 1.�02,�12 1.4y1,065 2.991.563 <br />R30,643 R03,696 861,42] 872,349 R77,723 619,iW <br />484147 1,413,066 3,182,023 806.147 371.295 1.957.239 <br />6.738Z35 8,492,633 10,SSS,719 8.674.474 7.501.372 12.039.320 <br />2.539,180 2,628A60 2.693.983 2,796,265 <br />3,909,173 4,04f�,162 4,445; 84 4,809,533 <br />310.629 297,202 302.406 315.372 <br />336,740 250,537 348,946 387,706 <br />643,828 655,211 667,441 688,715 <br />29,39] 97,462 64,316 63,861 <br />3.450 L151 0 0 <br />7.672.290 7.977.785 8.522.276 9961.442 <br />$ 14,410,525 $ 1fi,470,478 $ 19,41D,995 $ ]7,735,916 <br />�,893,260 <br />5,024,591 <br />31Q921 <br />426; 49 <br />736,688 <br />fi6,6fi1 <br />0 <br />9,458,370 <br />$ 16,959,743 <br />3.090.778 <br />5,144,355 <br />312,200 <br />345,218 <br />812,831 <br />75,349 <br />0 <br />9,780,731 <br />$ 31,83Q051 <br />$ (15,044,941) $ (12,106,397) $ (11,208,944) $ 115,307,608) $ (17,ll6,088) ########## <br />(529,R6� (4R4,394j �573,943) (337,75R) (447,6fi3) (SDft,750) <br />$ (15,57a_807) $ (12.59Q791) $ Q1,781,8861 $ 115,6a5,366) $ (17.623.751) ########## <br />$ 9; 49,016 $ 9,866,249 $ 10,6R4,6R3 $ ]1,2A6,176 <br />3,521,708 2,350538 3,535,530 2.765,844 <br />359,ROR 2RS,1R4 310,790 337,069 <br />65,935 69,145 81,153 88,890 <br />25,653 39,153 53,563 235,497 <br />1.236.808 6d1,583 1,205,1�tS 1,888,916 <br />0 0 527,650 0 <br />0 0 0 0 <br />0 0 0 0 <br />13,358,928 ]3,241,852 15,69A,855 ]6,552,332 <br />$ 13,417,024 <br />�.956,413 <br />373,706 <br />�o.ass <br />327,048 <br />1,353,641 <br />0 <br />� <br />25,000 <br />17,432,320 <br />$ 12,553,1R7 <br />3.2iS�.562 <br />375,551 <br />si.z�a <br />36,477 <br />6y5.472 <br />0 <br />0 <br />35,000 <br />17,045,533 <br />236,689 117,453 177,813 356,442 357,409 135,664 <br />0 0 D 0 0 0 <br />0 0 0 0 (25,000) (25,000) <br />236.689 117,453 177,813 356,442 232,409 110,664 <br />$ 13,595,617 $ 13,359,305 $ 15,R76,6fiR $ ]6,908,774 $ 17,h54,729 $ 17,15fi,1R7 <br />$ 11,686,013) $ 1,135,455 $ 4,489,9ll $ 1,244,724 $ 246,232 $ 4,28Q203 <br />C?93,77� (3C[,941j �395,729) 1R,6R4 (315,354) (69ft,OS� <br />$ !1_979_190) $ 768,514 $ 4.094,78? $ 1,263,408 $ 3Q978 $ 3,582,ll7 <br />104 <br />